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Wedge Antilles Biography Gallery
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Wedge Antilles met Luke Skywalker when the two sat next to each other at General Dodonna’s briefing in the rebel base on Yavin 4. Wedge was skeptical, to say the least, that any pilot could penetrate the Death Star’s defenses to hit a two-meter target – he swore the task was impossible, even for a computer. But Luke thought otherwise, noting that he’d hit womp rats dead center from his skyhopper back on Tatooine.
During the rebel attack on the Death Star, Wedge was given the call sign Red Two. He and Biggs Darklighter (Red Three) flew as wingmen for Luke, who was Red Five. The three pilots fought bravely and skillfully above the Death Star, evading TIE fighters sent up to defend the battle station. But with the rebel ranks dwindling, Luke, Biggs and Wedge were held back for a final run at the battle station’s vulnerable thermal exhaust port. Biggs was killed and Wedge couldn’t stay in formation after his own starfighter was damaged. Apologizing to Luke, he got clear of the trench, becoming one of the few pilots to survive the battle and defend the battle station.
With the rebel ranks dwindling, Luke, Biggs and Wedge were held back for a final run at the battle station’s vulnerable thermal exhaust port. Biggs was killed and Wedge’s own starfighter was damaged, leaving him unable to stay in formation. Apologizing to Luke, he got clear of the trench, becoming one of the few pilots to survive the battle.
Three years after the Battle of Yavin, Wedge continued to serve the rebel cause, having grown in skill and experience as a starfighter pilot with Rogue Squadron. Along with his gunner Janson, Wedge flew a snowspeeder at the Battle of Hoth under the call sign Rogue Three.
Three years after the Battle of Yavin, Wedge continued to serve the rebel cause, having grown in skill and experience as a starfighter pilot with Rogue Squadron. Wedge flew a snowspeeder at the Battle of Hoth under the call sign Rogue Three. Working with Janson, Wedge used his harpoon and tow cable to entangle the legs of one of the Empire’s AT-AT walkers, bringing the war machine crashing down on Hoth’s snowy plains. After the battle, Wedge flew off to the rendezvous point in his X-wing.
As the rebels prepared for a climactic confrontation with Emperor Palpatine at Endor, Wedge listened to the briefing provided by Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar and General Madine. He was assigned an X-wing and the call sign Red Leader.
At the Battle of Endor, Wedge and Red Squadron were a key part of the attack on the second Death Star and the Imperial task force defending it. Wedge flew alongside Lando Calrissian, who was subbing for Han Solo at the controls of the Millennium Falcon.
Once Han’s commandos brought down the shield generator protecting the Death Star, Wedge flew into the battle station’s superstructure. He followed the Millennium Falcon into the heart of the Imperial superweapon and fired a proton torpedo into the main reactor’s power regulator, helping start the chain reaction that destroyed the station.
On Endor, Wedge joined the rebel pilots, commandos and Ewoks in celebrating the destruction of the second Death Star and the death of Emperor Palpatine. Few pilots could claim they’d survived two attack runs against a Death Star, let alone helped destroy one. As the Ewok songs rang out through the trees, Wedge looked forward to further service with Rogue Squadron.
Wedge was in the middle of a quiet retirement when the Resistance persuaded him to return – Leia and the galaxy needed him. The rebel hero answered that call, and occupied one of the Millennium Falcon’s gun turrets during the Resistance’s desperate strike on Exegol.
Wedge Antilles Biography Gallery
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