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"War-Mantle" Episode Gallery
Spoiler alert! This story gallery contains plot details from "War-Mantle".
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In the dead of night on a forest world, a clone trooper runs. Pursuers led by ferocious massiffs chase the soldier, eventually stunning and capturing him -- but not before he activates a distress beacon.
Rex contacts the Bad Batch. He's received a distress signal from a clone trooper and needs their help. "He's an old friend and he's in trouble," Rex says. "I need you to get him out."
Tech interprets the signal. Sent by CC-576, the signal is originating from Daro, a terrestrial planet in the Outer Rim with no known settlements or installations. Hunter has reservations about going on a mission with so little intel, and they're already on a job for Cid. Echo and Omega, however, feel a duty to assist Rex, and Hunter begrudgingly agrees.
On Kamino, Crosshair reports in to Admiral Rampart as he prepares for a mission, and inquires about the Kaminoans. "Keep an eye on them until the time is right," Rampart says. Elsewhere, Nala Se escorts a group of cadets as they prepare to leave the facility, which is normally against protocol. She reassures them that they will still become soldiers.
Meeting in private, Prime Minister Lama Su informs Nala Se that the Empire has cancelled all of their contracts. "I fear they will destroy us rather than allow this operation to continue," he says. "We must leave to ensure our survival."
The Bad Batch arrive at Daro and begin to follow the signal. All they find is the distress beacon, but Hunter soon starts tracking the trooper and those who captured him through clues left behind.
They come upon a mountain, which Hunter believes is holding something. Tech, agrees, as his scanners seem jammed. Hunter orders that Wrecker and Omega return to the ship, while the rest investigate.
Hunter, Tech, and Echo scale the mountain and discover what looks like a military base of some sort. They go in for a closer look, and spy commandos leading squads of clone troopers with updated armor.
Hunter decides they must leave, but Echo objects. "If there's a chance that trooper is being held against his will, we have to try to get him out," he says.
Hunter updates Wrecker and tells him that they're going to infiltrate the base. When Omega voices her desire to join, the Bad Batch leader reiterates his orders that she and Wrecker stay on the ship.
The three Bad Batchers enter the base. Echo plugs in and discovers data for something called "TK troopers" just before finding their target's location.
They arrive at the cell and tell the prisoner they were sent by Rex. "The name's Gregor," the trooper tells them.
They make their way through the base, but when Tech enters a clone code at a terminal to redirect the Empire's forces, it instead triggers an alarm. "Clone codes don't work here!" Gregor says. Troopers close in on their position, but the Bad Batchers fight them off. As they prepare to head upwards to leave, however, Tech notices something about the Imperial troopers...
They're not clones. "That's what I've been trying to tell you," Gregor says. "These are our replacements, if you can believe that."
The Bad Batchers and Gregor race through the base's corridors, stunning those in their path. They finally reach a lift and head to the roof. But when the group reaches the top..
...they find troopers waiting.
Forced back down, the Bad Batchers and Gregor must again blast their way through. A shot tags Gregor, but he survives. Meanwhile, Tech devises an escape plan: They will leave through the thermal exhaust port and contact the Marauder.
As they walk, Gregor tells Hunter that he was sent to this base with other commandos by the Empire. But he quickly realized he wanted out. "It turns out the Empire doesn't take too kindly to desertion," he says laughing.
Hunter contacts the Marauder and requests a pickup. Omega and Wrecker ready the ship.
Gregor and the Bad Batchers reach the port, but Imperial troops spot them and open fire. Wrecker and Omega manage to get Tech and Gregor out, but gunships chase the Marauder off, leaving Echo and Hunter behind.
After fighting off the Imperial swarm, Tech brings the Marauder back for another pass. Echo makes the jump onto the ship...
...but Hunter can't hang on. He plummets thousands of feet downward and lands on the planet surface.
When Hunter wakes, he orders Tech to leave. "I'll find another way back," he says.
Omega pleads with Hunter to change his directive, but he refuses. Hunter lowers his weapons as Imperial troops surround him.
On Kamino, Rampart visits Lama Su. He raises "a disturbing matter" -- Nala Se has been gathering medical personnel to flee Kamino.
But Rampart claims to have use for a scientist with her skill. He does not, however, require a politician. "I'm afraid your services are no longer needed," he says to Lama Su. Rampart departs, as troops stalk toward the prime minister.
Hunter sits in his cell when, suddenly, a visitor arrives: Crosshair. "I was hoping for the whole squad," he says. "But you'll do."
"War-Mantle" Episode Gallery
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