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The Future of the Force Episode Gallery
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In a busy shuttle corridor, Darja, grandmother of Alora, soothes her granddaughter. They are both embarking on a journey toward a new life -- until the shuttle begins to rumble and the power goes out.
The civilians are in grave danger. The Inquisitors enter the shuttle searching for cargo of great interest to them. Alora cries as the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother approach her grandmother. Darja attempts to escape but there is no hope, and the Fifth Brother tosses his double-bladed lightsaber down the crowded hall to scare off the other passengers.
On Garel, Ahsoka comes to Kanan unexpectedly with “Jedi business.” She explains that she has been monitoring transmissions from Mustafar to gain information about the mysterious Sith Lord they encountered. No new information on the Sith, but she believes the Inquisitors have a new mission.
Ahsoka has the coordinates of two locations where the Inquisitors could be found. She will head to one location and Kanan, Ezra, and Zeb will head to the second. Ezra is already briefed on the plan, as he predictably eavesdropped through the door.
The rebels land at Takobo, and the coordinates Chopper provides lead to a housing unit. Zeb and Chopper head that way while Kanan and Ezra start off into the city.
Ahsoka finds a damaged shuttle and investigates. Inside is Darja, laying on the floor asking for help. She informs Ahsoka that her grandchild was taken by the “red blades.” “She has it,” Darja whispers. Ahsoka assures her not to worry, her granddaughter will be found.
Chopper and Zeb reach their destination and find two TIE fighters accompanied by a probe droid. Zeb shoots it down and they approach the ships, realizing the baby Alora lies inside.
Kanan and Ezra discover a fearful Ithorian named Oora, sadly asking about her child, Pypey. He was also hunted by two red blades, but Oora sent Pypey away with a droid before he could be captured. Kanan instructs Oora to head to docking bay 12.
Kanan informs Zeb and Chopper to be on the lookout for Pypey. The grumpy droid keeps Alora busy and softens up with the baby’s coos.
“Garazeb Orrelios -- honored soldier, feared rebel, baby hunter.” Zeb scours the city streets in search of the baby-toting droid and quickly spots him. He explains that he has been sent by Ooora and the droid hands over the squealing little Ithorian.
Seconds after dismissing the droid a loud blast ensues. The droid’s head has been slashed by the blade of a lightsaber. Pypey lets out a shriek as the Inquisitors emerge. Zeb calls Kanan and escapes into a tower, but the Ithorian can’t control its babbles. The hunters hear the cries and enter the tower, leaving a probe droid outside to monitor.
When Ezra and Kanan arrive at the tower they notice the probe droid and sneak in when its back is turned. Ezra attempts to pick up the baby, causing it to shriek louder. “You have the talent to connect -- use it!” Kanan yells.
Suddenly, Kanan senses something. The Inquisitors have located them! A blade shoots up through the floor, nearly slicing Zeb. Kanan and Ezra use their lightsabers to cut an escape route in the ceiling and hop up a level. Zeb tosses an explosive down below...but it is tossed back up.
Kanan instructs Ezra to keep moving and keep his comlink on. The plan is to drop a comlink on the ground and take off to a different location. Pypey’s cries will be heard through the comlink, tricking the Inquisitors. The plan works.
“They hunt Jedi, right? Instead of Pypey, let ‘em hunt me,” Kanan declares confidently. “Don’t you mean us?” Ezra asks. He won’t let Kanan face the Jedi hunters without him, but the Jedi insists Ezra take Pypey to safety to honor their promise to Oora. Kanan deduces that Pypey is Force sensitive, allowing the baby to sense Ezra’s fear.
Ezra and Pypey snake through overhead air ducts, but not without being caught. The Fifth Brother hurls his saber through the ceiling, nearly hitting Ezra and the child. Just as things get desperate, Kanan arrives to take on the Inquisitors himself.
Kanan engages the Seventh Sister while Zeb goes for the Fifth Brother. The Lasat is quickly thrown across the tower by the brute force of the Inquisitor.
Ezra and Pypey escape to the street but the Padawan makes a crucial mistake. In his attempt to calm the baby he gives away the Ghost crew’s base location on Garel. The pesky probe droid is listening.
Zeb and Kanan continue their battle but take a new strategy -- run! Zeb carries the Jedi as he blasts out a window and the two leap to the street below. They conveniently land inside a passing speeder and the close-following Jedi hunters do the same.
Engaged in a high-speed chase, the two speeders race through the Takobo streets. The Fifth Brother eventually slings his saber toward the rebels’ vehicle, causing it to crash to the ground below.
Eza arrives back at the Phantom to find the door is locked. Kanan and Zeb follow close behind him but are not fast enough. The Inquisitors confront them, again sending Zeb flying through the air leaving Kanan to battle. This time, even Kanan is no match for the hunters.
Ezra enters the ring with his lightsaber and Pypey in arm. “I don’t have time to waste on you, child,” the Seventh Sister snaps. Ezra is Force pushed against the door just before it opens with a hazy glow and the outline of a stoic Togruta. Ahsoka Tano has arrived.
Igniting her two white blades and assuming a fighting stance, Ahsoka orders Ezra to get the youngling to the ship. She then flies through the air and begins the battle.
“I know why you want the children,” Ahsoka says to the Seventh Sister. “Well, who doesn’t want to be a mother!” she replies. After ongoing combat, Ahsoka eventually powers down her lightsabers and calmly meditates. The Sister approaches and the Jedi grabs her weapon, deactivates the blades, and tosses the lightsaber and the Inquisitor aside.
“You are beaten,” Ahsoka declares, but the Seventh Sister cackles. “It looks like you are the one that is beaten,” she answers while summoning her saber. Imperial troops begin to infiltrate the street. “Your capture will please Lord Vader.”
But her master will have to wait. Ahsoka leaps onto the departing Phantom to reunite with the crew along with Oora, Pypey, and Alora, while Chopper twirls the younglings. In the street below, the Inquisitors check in with their probe droid carrying Ezra’s earlier statement. They have discovered the rebels' hiding place.
The Future of the Force Episode Gallery
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