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Training in the plains of Lothal, Ezra fails to make a Force connection with a loth-cat, and his anger rises. Kanan tells Ezra that he must let his guard down and allow himself to attach to others. The Padawan apologizes, saying today isn't a good day; it's Empire Day.
Master and apprentice spot TIEs overhead, and follow them to Old Jho's Pit Stop. It's a popular cantina, with an old Republic gunship acting as its marquee.
Inside, Imperials are looking for a Rodian, but come up empty handed. Ezra, however, recognizes who they're after: someone named Tseebo. The Imperials are frustrated, and a TIE fighter pilot angrily tells Old Jho to turn on the HoloNet News; according to law, it must be on at all times.
Old Jho acquiesces. The news reports that an Empire Day parade is to be held on Lothal. But before the Imperials can toast the day, Senator-in-exile Gall Trayvis breaks in to the broadcast. He asks everyone to boycott all celebrations and Imperial rule.
After the TIE pilots leave, Old Jho tells the Ghost crew that a full planetary blockade is in effect; the Imperials are desperate to find the Rodian. Ezra, meanwhile, removes himself from the group's next mission. Empire Day has brought back painful memories, and he wants to be alone. Retreating to his apartment, Ezra recounts a conversation with his parents, and realizes where Tseebo is hiding.
The Empire Day parade kicks off with the debut of the TIE Advanced prototype. "I almost feel bad about blowing it up," Hera says. Kanan moves into position, while Sabine's fireworks display provides the distraction he needs. Kanan sneaks past the Imperials, and places a bomb on the TIE.
The TIE explodes, sending fire and debris in all directions. The Imperial stage collapses, Minister Maketh Tua with it. She's helped up by a stormtrooper and is livid, immediately ordering the Imperial soldiers to find the responsible party.
Agent Kallus joins the search, and he's not alone. Emerging from the wreckage is the Inquisitor, calmly scanning the area. Zeb fires at the dark-side-user but misses, and the Ghost crew runs.
Ezra takes the team someplace familiar yet painful: his childhood home. When they ask why, he says he had a feeling.
He opens a hatch to find a Rodian hiding and whimpering. It's Tseebo. Ezra calls for Tseebo, and the Rodian immediately comes to attention. He emerges from the underground bunker, but something's wrong. Tseebo walks into a wall and speaks randomly. Sabine explains that it's his headgear; an Imperial implant that removes personality for the sake of productivity.
Angry, Ezra says that Tseebo joined the Imperial Information Office after the Empire took his parents away -- Ezra was 7 at the time. Sabine works on Tseebo, and the Rodian reveals that today, Empire Day, is Ezra's birthday. Finally, she unlocks the information Tseebo is carrying: vehicle and weapons schematics, as well as the Empire's five-year plan for Lothal and other worlds.
The crew steals an Imperial Troop Transport, looking to get Tseebo off-world and away from the Empire.
Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko forms a roadblock and orders his men to open fire on the oncoming "Rebel scum." But the Imperial Troop Transport evades the assault, ramming through the blockade.
Agent Kallus gives chase and contacts the Inquisitor, informing the Jedi hunter of the rebels' location and route. The Inquisitor asks that Kallus slow them down, and heads for his own unique TIE fighter.
Imperial combat drivers, riding on speeder bikes, catch up with the rebels. They blow the door and board, though Kanan stops them before they can grab Tseebo, Force throwing one Imperial into another.
Kallus, close behind, leaps to the roof of the stolen Imperial Troop Transport. The Ghost appears, and Zeb opens fire on the ISB Agent from the ship's entry hatch. Chopper, meanwhile, blasts the Imperial vehicle, and final shots from Zeb send Kallus backwards...
...but he holds on. As the crew and Tseebo board the Ghost, Kallus rises and opens fire.
Kanan ignites his lightsaber and blocks Kallus' blasts. Using the Force, he makes an impossible leap backwards and into the air, landing on the Ghost's ramp. The rebels are not safe yet, however.
A squad of fighters, led by the Inquisitor, are in pursuit. The Imperial menace lands a series of direct hits, shorting out Chopper and knocking over the Ghost's passengers.
The fall seems to awaken Tseebo. He grabs Ezra, and speaks frantically in his native tongue. Sabine translates: "He says he knows what happened to your parents." To be continued...
Empire Day Episode Gallery
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