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Neutral star systems in peril! Darth Maul and Savage Opress command the planet Mandalore through the puppet prime minister, Almec, while they expand their criminal enterprise. With the Death Watch removed from power, and the Jedi unaware of the villainous plot, nothing stands in the way of Darth Maul's vision for a vast criminal empire. We now find Duchess Satine imprisoned, as her few remaining loyal subjects make a desperate attempt to rescue her.
In her prison cell, Satine is surprised to see her young nephew attempting a jail break. Korkie and his old classmates Lagos, Soniee, and Amis have teamed up with Bo-Katan to infiltrate the prison, incapacitate the guards, and escape with Satine. Satine recognizes Bo-Katan with a hint of sadness, evidently sharing some sort of past together.
The rescuers bring Satine out to the prison's loading platform and into an escape speeder. She wants to contact the Jedi Council, but all transmissions within the city are being jammed. Mandalorian super commandos -- red-armored warriors now loyal to Maul -- launch an attack on the speeder. Bo-Katan and her Death Watch loyalists defend the duchess while Korkie and his friends speed towards a city exit.
The rescue speeder is shot down, but Satine proceeds on foot to the end of an exterior platform where she can make a clear transmission. She sends a distress signal to Obi-Wan Kenobi before being re-apprehended by Mandalorian super commandos.
At the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Yoda and Ki-Adi-Mundi have received the call for help and have summoned Obi-Wan. Kenobi watches on with concern. Given Mandalore's neutrality, it is unlikely the threat to the planet involves the Separatists. And given the unallied nature of the world, the Senate is unlikely to prioritize sending aid to the planet. Alas, the hands of the Jedi are tied. They cannot act to help Mandalore.
Almec updates Maul on Satine's capture. Her accomplices have escaped, but she did ask Obi-Wan for help. Maul grins at this news. His long, winding plan for vengeance is coming to fruition. He advises Almec to keep Mandalore neutral, out of Jedi jurisdiction, for if Obi-Wan is going to come to rescue Satine, he must then come alone.
The battered spice freighter Twilight -- loaned to Obi-Wan by Anakin Skywalker -- comes in for a shaky landing at Sundari. Obi-Wan, disguised as a bounty hunter, incapacitates a Mandalorian super commando and steals his armor as a more effective disguise to infiltrate the Sundari prisons. From the parapets, Bo-Katan watches with interest.
With the Mandalorian armor, Obi-Wan makes his way to Satine's cell. He removes his helmet, and she is deeply grateful to see her beloved friend. He replaces his helmet, and escorts the prisoner out of the complex, but not before knocking a nosy Mandalorian unconscious.
This security breach does not go unnoticed, and super commandos give pursuit. Obi-Wan and Satine rush to the Twilight. The ship is battered with blaster fire. Satine urges Obi-Wan to contact her sister for help and reinforcements.
Maul and Savage arrive via speeder to see the Twilight lift off. Mandalorian rockets down the decrepit ship, which spins out of control and crashes back onto the platform. Obi-Wan and Satine leap from the doomed ship, landing on the platform with a stunning impact.
Kenobi pales as he sees a hellish image emerge from the smoke: Darth Maul and Savage Opress. Obi-Wan ignites his blade, but he is too shaken from the crash. Maul snatches Kenobi in a telekinetic grip and disarms him. Maul orders his guards to take the inert Satine and Obi-Wan back to the palace.
In the throne room, Maul sits in Satine's old throne, with a shackled Satine kneeling at his feet. Obi-Wan stands before him, watching helplessly as Maul uses the Force to choke Satine. The Sith Lord relishes in his victory, goading Kenobi by sensing his fear and anger. But Obi-Wan stands vigilant, resisting the pull of the dark side. Kenobi expresses pity for Maul.
He tells him he knows of his origins, of the snowy village on Dathomir where he was plucked as a youngster to become a servant of the dark side. Maul grows angry. With Pre Vizsla's darksaber, he runs Satine through, and she declares her love for Kenobi in her dying breath. Savage asks if they are to kill Kenobi, but Maul would rather he drown in sorrow and misery in a prison cell.
On Coruscant, in the executive offices of the Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine senses a disturbance in the Force. He summons his shuttle.
As the super commandos escort Obi-Wan back to prison, they are suddenly ambushed by Bo-Katan and the Mandalorian rebels. Bo-Katan returns Obi-Wan's lightsaber, and offers him a jetpack. Kenobi joins her in blasting off away from the prison platform.
A Republic executive shuttle arrives at Sundari, and from it emerges the robed and hooded form of Darth Sidious. Mandalorian super commandos try to intercept him, but Sidious easily uses the Force to strangle them.
Bo-Katan and her rebels are pursued through the Sundari cityscape. Obi-Wan and Bo-Katan fight side-by-side. More and more of Sundari is being blackened by war.
In the throne room, Maul senses a presence he has not felt in over a decade: that of his old Master. Sidious enters the throne room, easily choking the super commando guards to death. Seeing Sidious, Maul declares all his effort in empire-building an attempt to return to Sidious' side.
Sidious sees through Maul's lies -- he views the Zabrak not as an apprentice, but as a rival to be destroyed. Maul pins both Sith brothers with a Force push. Savage and Maul ignites their lightsabers, and Sidious, too, ignites two lightsabers to do battle with these would-be Sith usurpers.
In the city, the Mandalorian civil war continues. Obi-Wan and Bo-Katan fight their way to a gauntlet fighter. Bo-Katan tells Obi-Wan to return to the Republic and tell the Senate what has happened here. Obi-Wan warns this would likely lead to a Republic invasion, but Bo-Katan accepts that as a price worth paying for the death of Maul. Kenobi realizes that Bo-Katan is the sister that Satine spoke of earlier.
Meanwhile, Sidious duels the Sith brothers, never wavering from his position of superiority. Fueled by the dark side, Sidious is transformed into an agile, whirlwind of destruction. He strikes down Savage, killing the monstrous Nightbrother.
As Savage's life fades, Mother Talzin's dark enchantments fade away in clouds of green mist, and Savage returns to his smaller, natural form. He apologizes to his brother, recognizing that he was never like Maul, never capable of truly being a Sith.
Maul attempts to avenge his brother's death, but he simply cannot defeat Sidious' power. Sidious disarms his former apprentice, batters him with Force pushes, and inundates him with Sith lighting. Sidious cackles with glee as he tortures Maul. He cryptically notes that he does not intend to kill Maul. No, Sidious has other uses for the defeated Sith Lord.
The Lawless Episode Gallery
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