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A Republic frigate carrying Luminara Unduli and Ahsoka Tano lifts off from Rodia, soaring toward the Jedi cruiser Tranquility.
Aboard the Tranquility, the Jedi march a shackled Nute Gunray down its cold corridors, escorted by Clone Commander Gree and Captain Argyus.
Count Dooku receives a holographic message from Darth Sidious who worries about Gunray's capture. The spineless viceroy could spill valuable secrets during interrogation. Dooku assures Sidious that he has already sent his assassin, Asajj Ventress, to free Gunray, or permanently silence him.
In a ray-shielded cell, Jedi Master Luminara questions Gunray, who claims his innocence. Ahsoka erupts in anger, ignites her lightsaber and holds it to Gunray's neck. Gunray scurries into a corner, terrified. Luminara scolds Ahsoka for terrifying their prisoner. Ahsoka sheepishly explains she wasn't serious, but thinks that the coward Gunray will only talk if scared enough.
Vulture droids buzz the Tranquility. A trio of thorn-shaped boarding ships darts toward the cruiser. Gree orders Green Company to prepare to repel invaders. The spiraling boarding ships spear into Tranquility's ventral spine, their blade-like nosecones sticking through the hangar bay ceilings. The nosecones open and send super battle droids into the hold. Asajj Ventress emerges from one of the boarding vessels, and cuts her way into the Tranquility's ventilation systems.
In the engine room, a simpleminded repair droid fails to spot the stealthy assassin Ventress. She affixes explosives on several key spots around the reactors, and then escapes unnoticed.
In the detention center, Ventress drops into the room from a hole in the ceiling. Ahsoka ignites her lightsaber blade ready to battle Ventress. The assassin slips past Ahsoka and runs to Gunray's cell. She deactivates the shields, pulling Gunray out and kicking Ahsoka in! Gunray relishes this reversal as he reactivates the shield, locking Ahsoka inside.
Using the Force, Luminara opens Ahsoka's cell. Ventress now has to deal with two combatants. Ventress seemingly surrenders, lowering her weapons, but she grins as her timed explosives in the engine room detonate. She uses this distraction to flee into an open turbolift shaft.
Argyus examines the status boards, and reports the grim news. Security doors, turbolifts, communications and propulsion systems are all haywire. But all is not lost. The commandos are still in possession of Gunray. Luminara leaves to pursue Ventress, ordering Ahsoka to stay behind with the prisoner.
Unduli arrives in the smoldering engine room, where she is promptly pounced upon by Ventress. Asajj cuts through a nearby vent, blasting a jet a steam into Unduli's face, momentarily blinding her.
Ahsoka rushes in, Force-pushing Asajj in the middle of the assassin's leap. Ventress goes hurling into the debris as the Padawan runs to Luminara's side.
Ventress leaps into the upper levels with the Jedi in hot pursuit. She activates a signal on her wrist gauntlet. Captain Argyus receives a signal on his gauntlet. He spins around and blasts his fellow commandos. Argyus opens Gunray's cell, and holds the viceroy hostage in front of him, knowing that Commander Gree will not kill the valuable Separatist prisoner. Argyus is a traitor: he's being paid a fortune by Count Dooku to deliver Gunray.
Argyus signals Ventress in the engine room. Her mission accomplished, Ventress activates several leftover explosives to cover her escape, leaving Ahsoka perilously dangling over a battered catwalk to be saved by Luminara.
Argyus and Gunray and Ventress escape the Tranquility in a Republic frigate. Captain Argyus gloats about his success, cockily mentioning to Asajj that he'll ensure her contributions to their rescue efforts will be noted in his report to Count Dooku. Ventress suddenly drives her lightsaber into Argyus' back, killing him.
In the bridge's war room, Ahsoka and Luminara confer holographically with Yoda and Anakin Skywalker. Yoda is troubled by the treachery of Captain Argyus. Luminara reminds her fellow Jedi that Gunray fled in a Republic ship, which can be tracked. Master Kit Fisto's fleet was near the viceroy's last known position. Fisto is tracking the signal, determined to recapture the Separatist leader.
Cloak of Darkness Episode Gallery
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