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"Tribe" Story Gallery | The Bad Batch
Spoiler alert! This story gallery contains plot details from this episode.
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The Marauder arrives at the Ordo Tera spaceport to deliver forged chain codes to the leader of the Vanguard Axis droid cartel. While the droids check Tech's handiwork, Echo preps the ship to make a quick exit as soon as the deal is done. "There's something off about this place..." Omega says.
Sneaking off to investigate, Omega winds her way through a maze of containers as alien cries echo nearby. Around the bend she finds the source of the plaintive howls: a frantic young Wookiee being jolted by electropoles. Omega begs the Vanguard Axis droids to stop, and as they're distracted by her intrusion the Wookiee gains the upper hand.
The Wookiee grabs one of the electropoles and disarms one droid while Omega uses her energy bow to flatten the other. But with more droids on the way, the two youngsters must make a run for it!
Echo joins the fight and he, Omega, and the Wookiee are caught in a standoff when the rest of the Bad Batch arrive to help. While Hunter and the Axis leader are debating the morality of smuggling living beings, the Wookiee, Gungi, spies his lost lightsaber on the droid's bandolier and uses the Force to draw his weapon.
A shootout erupts, but the Batch and their new friend, who they now realize is a Jedi survivor, safely escape to their ship. In hyperspace, Gungi stays far from the clones, fearing what their kind did to the other Jedi during Order 66. Omega is eager to help her new friend. "If he's trying to get to his homeworld, we can take him."
The Marauder arrives at Kashyyyk to find patches of burned-out jungles and heavy smoke. One grove is shrouded in thick webbing. Soon, the team is trapped by a group of netcasters, but Gungi knows they won't attack unless they feel threatened. With his hand outstretched, he calms the creatures and sends them on their way.
The Batch arrive at a village to find track marks from Imperial tanks and the scorched remains of the treetop huts. Gungi falls to his knees in mourning, but all hope is not lost. "The Empire destroyed our home, too. Don't worry, we'll find your people," Omega tells him.
The Batch come across a group of Trandoshan hunters armed with Imperial tanks. They incinerate what's left of the sacred stones of the village while a Wookiee prisoner roars angrily at their senseless destruction. But Gungi takes action, racing toward the captors as he ignites his lightsaber and frees the hostage. Together, he and the Batch fight off the hunters.
The flames continue consuming the stones. It takes all night, but together Gungi and the Batch quell the fire, digging into the surrounding soil to extinguish the blaze. At dawn, a tribe of Wookiee warriors arrives riding on giant mylayas.
It takes all day, but by dusk the warriors and the Batch arrive at a Wookiee sanctuary led by an elder named Yanna. "We are returning him to his homeworld," Hunter explains as Gungi steps forward. "But he doesn't know what village he's from."
Back at the burned-out village, Trandoshan Commander Babwa Venomor and his clone troopers arrive to investigate. Gungi's lightsaber marks send them on the hunt for the Jedi.
Yanna's scouts spot the convoy and urge the Batch to leave. But Echo reminds his team that the Wookiees were allies of the Republic during the war and Hunter resolves to stay and fight. "You don't have to do this alone."
Instead, the Wookiees send a prayer to the trees for guidance and come up with a plan. "They believe this planet belongs to the trees, and they are allies in this fight," Tech explains.
At dawn the next morning, the convoy arrives. The Wookiee warriors and the Batch draw them into the Netcasters' nest. Most of the Imperial soldiers are eliminated with few Wookiees harmed in the battle. But once Venomor gets his sights on Gungi, he turns his attention — and his flamethrower — toward the young Jedi.
Encircled by a ring of fire, Gungi and Venomor battle. The Jedi slices his adversary's flamethrower in half with his lightsaber. But the netcasters feel threatened by their presence. Sensing their fear, Gungi disengages his lightsaber and the creatures turn their full attention to Venomor, trapping him in their web.
Together, the Batch and the Wookiees work to contain the flames. Afterward, they share in a hearty meal of a viscus substance. But it's a bittersweet victory. Gungi has returned home to his tribe, yet the state of the galaxy will continue to threaten all those who oppose the Empire.
"Tribe" Story Gallery | The Bad Batch
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