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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Episode IX)
2h 22min
December 18, 2019
Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
Rated: PG-13
Runtime: 2h 22min
Release Date: December 18, 2019
Lucasfilm and director J.J. Abrams join forces once more to take viewers on an epic journey to a galaxy far, far away with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the riveting conclusion of the landmark Skywalker saga, in which new legends will be born and the final battle for freedom is yet to come.
Behind the Scenes
© 2015 Disney

Story Gallery | The Rise of Skywalker
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Among the charred irontrees of Mustafar, Kylo Ren strikes down anyone in his path as he makes his way to the ruins of Darth Vader's castle. He finds an ancient Sith artifact his grandfather once possessed: the Sith Wayfinder.
Ren uses the device to calculate the route to the hidden planet Exegol in the Unknown Regions. The troubled warrior quickly discovers that the dark and dangerous world is home to the resurrected Palpatine, the Sith, and a massive fleet of Star Destroyers. Palpatine tells Kylo Ren that Rey is not who he thinks she is...
Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, Klaud, and R2-D2 travel to the icy Sinta Glacier Colony to retrieve valuable intel from a spy in the First Order. Their jovial contact Boolio transfers the data just in time, as First Order TIE fighters scream through the atmosphere.
The fighters pursue the Millennium Falcon. Finn takes the gunner's chair and Poe Dameron lightspeed skips — a risky manuever — to escape the First Order.
Rey runs a training course in the dense jungle of Ajan Kloss. The Jedi student easily leaps, flips, and dodges any obstacle in her way until her strong emotions distract her. BB-8 becomes trapped under a tree as a result of her carelessness.
General Organa serves as Rey's Jedi Master, teaching her student in the ways of the Force as she once learned from Luke. Leia often lends a sympathetic ear, and her sage advice is needed more than ever.
The Millennium Falcon returns to the Resistance base — on fire. Rey and Poe trade barbs about the damaged ship and the dinged-up BB-8. "You know what you are? You're difficult," she tells the hotshot pilot.
The Resistance gathers to discuss the valuable intel from a mole in the First Order. The spy confirms that somewhow Palpatine has returned and controls a devastating fleet of Star Destroyers known as the Final Order. "He's been planning his revenge," Poe says.
Rey vows to complete Luke Skywalker's search for Exegol even if Leia won't give her blessing to go on the perilous mission. The Jedi-in-training's friends Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, BB-8, and C-3PO won't let her go alone, and together they set off on a mission to find the hidden planet and face the Emperor one last time.
Skilled hands piece together Kylo Ren's shattered helmet as the Knights of Ren stand by silently. The black pieces are expertly re-forged with red Sarrassian iron. Helmet donned once again, the Supreme Leader returns to the First Order and unleashes his anger on his officers — there is a spy in their ranks.
Finn and friends arrive on Pasaana, following Luke Skywalker's trail from years before. The Festival of the Ancestors greets the surprised travelers. "This festival is known for both its colorful kites and its delectable sweets," C-3PO informs them.
As Rey enjoys the sights and sounds of the festival, a shadow falls upon her. Kylo Ren uses their profound connection to tell her that he has his own plans in motion. He reaches out through the Force and grasps the necklace given to her by an Aki-Aki reveler. The First Order uses it to find her location.
A masked figure on Pasaana saves the Falcon crew from a First Order stormtrooper. He takes off his dusty helmet to reveal the venerable General Lando Calrissian! Lando tells Rey about Ochi of Bestoon — a Jedi hunter that he and Luke had been tracking to find the wayfinder — and where to find his ship in the vast desert.
Poe hotwires two Pasaana skimmers, a hint at his shady past. The crew of the Falcon steals the skimmers and races across the desert as First Order stormtoopers and jet troopers give chase. "Ah! They fly now!" cries C-3PO.
The skimmers are destroyed and hurl the Resistance fighters on to the sand, but a sinkhole swallows Rey and her friends. They safely emerge in burrows beneath. Illuminating the caverns with the glow of Rey's lightsaber, the friends explore and discover the skeletal remains of Ochi and an engraved Sith dagger. C-3PO can read the ancient language, but refuses to recite the words as it's against his programming.
Suddenly, a menacing snake-like creature called a vexis rises in the dark behind C-3PO. Finn and Poe stand guard as Rey approaches the creature, noticing it's injured. She outstretches a hand and calls upon the Force to heal its injury, giving some of her own life. Grateful, the creature slinks away, revealing an exit to the surface — and Ochi's ship.
Kylo Ren and his Knights on Ren arrive on Pasaana. Rey senses Ren's presence as his TIE whisper shrieks toward her, kicking up dust and sand. Rey takes to the air with a stunning Force leap and disables the starfighter with her lightsaber.
The Knights of Ren capture Chewbacca, custodian of the Sith dagger. Unwilling to lose her friend, Rey uses the Force to stop the First Order transport from leaving the planet, while Kylo Ren pulls in the other direction. In her desperation, she channels the dark side of the Force and lightning escapes from her fingertips. She destroys the ship!
Rey is devastated, unaware that Chewbacca was on board another transport that safely departed Pasaana. The Wookiee is alive, but a prisoner of the merciless First Order.
On board Ochi's ship, Poe refuses to give up. Rey, Poe, Finn, and C-3PO swear to finish the mission for Chewbacca and hold hands in a sign of friendship. "We're all in this till the end," Finn says. They set out for Kijimi to find a black market droidsmith to help them translate the Sith markings stored in Threepio's memory.
BB-8 finds and revives diminutive droid D-O en route to Kijimi. Upon arrival, the frigid planet has a thriving underworld and a sizable First Order presence. It also played a role in Poe's hidden past. Concealed in the shadows, Rey, Finn, and C-3PO meet Zorii Bliss, a former associate of Poe Dameron.
Tiny tinkerer Babu Frik knows how to retrieve the Sith translation from C-3PO's memory bank, but it comes at a cost. "Droid memory go blank," warns Babu. C-3PO agrees to make the sacrifice. When Frik completes his work, a ghastly voice emerges from the droid as the Sith writing guides them to the Endor system.
Rey senses Chewbacca on Kylo Ren's Star Destoyer, located above Kijimi. With Zorii's help, the Wookiee's friends land on the ship to rescue him. Poe and Finn free Chewbacca but are captured by stormtroopers after an intense firefight.
Rey searches for the Sith dagger and discovers it in Kylo Ren's quarters. Meanwhile, Ren scours Kijimi searching for her. The two connect through the Force and Ren reveals the truth about her parents and their fate at the hands of Ochi. "I know the rest of your story," he tells her, before realizing she's on the Star Destroyer.
The spy — General Hux! — unmasks himself to save Finn, Poe, C-3PO, and Chewbacca. Hux frees them and reveals that his motives aren't pure — he just doesn't want the Supreme Leader to succeed.
Kylo Ren returns to the Star Destroyer and faces Rey. He tells her about her true connection to the Emperor: he is her grandfather. "You are a Palpatine," says Ren. He also reveals that they are a dyad in the Force, a fact of which the Emperor is unaware. Rey can only stare at him in shock, and finally escapes as Finn reaches out a hand on the dock of the Falcon.
The Millennium Falcon travels to Kef Bir, the ocean moon of Endor. Rey takes a moment to confide in Finn about her past. With busted landing gear, Poe and Chewbacca can only crash land the ship near the ruins of the second Death Star. A solitary figure on the surface, Jannah, tracks the ship as it careens through the sky.
The crew of the Millennium Falcon meets Jannah and the other orbak riders of Kef Bir. She tells Finn that she and her allies were previously a First Order company that mutinied and escaped. The two feel an immediate kinship and work to repair the Falcon.
Rey braves the choppy waves and navigates a skimmer to the Death Star. The veteran scavenger expertly climbs the ruins and finds the Emperor's ravaged throne room in search of the Wayfinder. There she confronts a terrifying vision of herself twisted by the dark side!
Rey drops the Wayfinder in her shock. It clatters against the floor, and Kylo Ren picks it up. He destroys it in one last desperate bid to ask Rey to join him. Instead, she ignites her lightsaber and attacks. The two clash in an unrelenting storm of rain and the surging ocean.
General Organa uses the last of her strength to connect to Kylo Ren through the Force, and with R2-D2 at her side, the princess takes her final breath. Rey uses this momentary distraction to pierce Ren with his own lightsaber, but senses Leia with them both. Rey heals Kylo Ren's mortal wound before telling him that she did want to join him — Ben — before running away.
The Falcon makes it back to the Resistance base in one piece, where they learn about General Organa's passing. Chewbacca mourns the loss of his longtime friend.
"Hey, kid," Kylo Ren hears behind him. He turns to see Han Solo smiling. Father and son are reunited, just for a fleeting moment. The tearful son flings his lightsaber into the churning waters, and Ben Solo has returned from the darkness.
On Palpatine's order, a Sith Star Destroyer obliterates the planet Kijimi in one blast. Overwhelmed with his new responsibility as acting general, Poe turns to an absent Leia for advice. Lando, having arrived on Ajan Kloss, reminds the pilot that he's not alone. Poe asks Finn to help lead the Resistance and face the Final Order once and for all, together. "I can't do this alone," Poe tells his friend.
Rey returns to the island of Ahch-To to hide from her destiny, but the spirit of Luke Skywalker appears and encourages her to face her fear. "Confronting fear is the destiny of a Jedi," he tells Rey.
Master Skywalker brings his sunken X-wing up from the ocean depths with the Force, and gifts Leia's lightsaber to Rey. Ready to face her fears, Rey takes the ship to Exegol.
R2-D2 restores the memory of a confused C-3PO. As D-O shows Finn, Poe, and Rose the data he carries about the Sith Eternal fleet, Rey transmits course marker signals to the Resistance as she pilots the X-wing to the Sith planet. Poe and Finn gather the members of the Resistance; they have a plan.
Rey, facing her fear, lands on Exegol to confront Palpatine, while the Sith Eternal fleet prepares to deploy. Using Rey's transmission, the ragtag Resistance ships arrive, and the battle for the fate of the galaxy begins!
Finn realizes that a single Star Destroyer controls the Sith Eternal fleet navigation signal. He lands with Jannah and the orbak riders on the surface of the ship to launch an assault. Together with BB-8, Rose Tico, Kaydel Ko Connix, and the other brave Resistance fighters, Finn and Jannah take on the Final Order head-on.
Rey reaches the throne of Palpatine and faces her grandfather. He tells her that once she strikes him down in her hatred, his spirit will join with hers and they will rule the galaxy. "As all the Sith live in me, you will be Empress. We will be one," he says.
Finn, Jannah, and BB-8 destroy the navigation signal, but it's not over yet. Palpatine taunts Rey with the destruction of the Resistance forces in the sky above, as he once baited Luke Skywalker. She agrees to take the throne to save her friends — but she senses that she's not alone.
Ben Solo arrives on Exegol and faces the Knights of Ren. Ben and Rey connect through the Force, and through their bond, she gives Ben her weapon. A Skywalker once again wields the lightsaber constructed by Anakin! Ben takes a small bow and strikes down the Knights of Ren.
Rey ignites Leia's blue-bladed lightsaber, and she and Ben stand against Palpatine together. Palpatine, however, comes to realizes that Rey and Ben are a dyad in the Force; he can restore himself through them. The Emperor drains their life force to add to his own.
Just as all seems hopeless, ships from across the galaxy answer Lando Calrissian's call and join the battle at Exegol. Old friends and new, like Wedge Antilles and Zorii Bliss, enter the fray, along with countless others. "There are more of us," says Lando on the comm.
Ben Solo staggers to his feet but is no match for the restored Emperor. With a look of disdain, the Emperor says, "As once I fell, so falls the last Skywalker." Ben is powerfully flung away and falls into a mist-filled chasm.
Finally, Palpatine unleashes his full power on the Resistance fleet. Lightning erupts from his hands and disables the ships and droids in the sky above.
Injured and alone, Rey calls out to the Force. The Jedi of the past answer, standing with the last hope of the Jedi in spirit. Rey rises.
Rey makes a final stand against Palpatine. "I am all the Sith," he hisses, unleashing a torrent of lightning upon her. "And all the Jedi," she says, turning the full force of his attack back with both Luke and Leia's lightsabers, destroying the Emperor once and for all. The Millennium Falcon retrieves Finn and Jannah from the surface of the fracturing command ship.
Rey collapses, and Finn senses it through the Force. Ben Solo, emerging from the pit where he was thrown, goes to her side. He gives her his own remaining life force, and she takes a breath. The two kiss, and Ben gives the Jedi a rare smile. Solo falls, and he and Leia pass into the Force, finally at peace.
The Resistance rises across the galaxy and the First Order falls. Star Destroyers crash to the surface of planets like Coruscant, the forest moon of Endor, and Jakku. The Resistance celebrates with happy reunions, warm embraces, and genuine smiles.
Later, the Skywalker saga ends where it started: on the sands of Tatooine. Rey buries the lightsabers of her masters at the dilapidated Lars Homestead before igniting her own yellow-bladed weapon. The spirits of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa smile at Rey Skywalker — Jedi, pilot of the Millennium Falcon, and future of the galaxy.
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