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"The Ninth Jedi" Trivia Gallery
Fun facts and trivia from this episode!
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"We were given more freedom than I had expected. That probably put more pressure on the director. It's Star Wars, after all. Honestly, nothing is more challenging than freedom." — Mitsuhisa Ishikawa (Founder, Production I.G) | Explore more in the Star Wars: Visions Filmmaker Focus featurettes, only on Disney+.
"If I were to make a Star Wars film, that was the scene that I wanted to do. I saw Episode VI when it was first released. The speed of the chase through the forest was unforgettable." — Kenji Kamiyama (Director - "The Ninth Jedi," Production I.G) | Explore more in the Star Wars: Visions Filmmaker Focus featurettes, only on Disney+.
"When I saw the scene in which the lightsaber first appeared, the melody came really naturally to me. Maybe it was the power of the Force." — Nobuko Toda (Composer, "The Ninth Jedi") | Explore more in the Star Wars: Visions Filmmaker Focus featurettes, only on Disney+.
"The Ninth Jedi" Trivia Gallery
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