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"The Ninth Jedi" Episode Gallery
Spoiler alert! This story gallery contains plot details from "The Ninth Jedi".
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Many generations have passed since the Jedi protected the galaxy. Since then, an era of war has arisen. But Margrave Juro, ruler of the planet Hy Izlan, has a plan. He has begun mining for kyber crystals; using these crystals, he seeks to restore the Jedi by reforging their lightsabers. However, the evil Sith seek to hunt all Jedi and bring about a new dark age.
Ethan arrives at the Hy Izlan Aerial Temple, summoned there through an encoded transmission. A masterless Jedi, he feels that the Force is strong in this place. Other Jedi are also present; together they watch Juro's message, which promises to return lightsabers to the Jedi and restore the Order. But can Juro be trusted, some wonder? Suddenly, they hear a laugh. From the shadows a tall droid emerges, promising that Juro will arrive soon.
On Hy Izlan, a sabersmith finishes building the last in a line of lightsabers for the Margrave. His daughter, Kara, accompanied by her droid, soon joins him and practices with the colorless Jedi weapon. She has some skill with the blade, but her father explains that only a Jedi with a strong connection to the Force will activate a lightsaber's color. Meanwhile, a shuttle begins to land outside their shop. The sabersmith quickly gathers the lightsabers and asks Kara to bring them to the temple, taking a moment to say goodbye.
As she leaves, two masked enforcers break into the shop. They ask if he is Lah Zhima the sabersmith, and accuse him of building lightsabers for masterless Jedi. They demand he turn over the lightsabers and open fire, but Lah Zhima deflects the blast into his oven, creating a great explosion! The sabersmith stumbles outside, where Kara stops and screams for her father. "Kara, go!" he yells before a blow from the goons knocks him unconscious.
Back at the temple, the Jedi speak with the mysterious droid. They want evidence that the Margrave does indeed want to unite the Jedi and end the war. In return, the droid presents a lightsaber, astonishing Ethan.
On Hy Izlan, Kara zooms through dense forest as one of her father's attackers follows. Using one of the lightsabers, she deflects his fire away with impressive skill and destroys his speeder! Shortly after, she pays an old droid for passage to the temple.
Kara enters the temple and explains that her father was taken by Jedi hunters. She offers the lightsabers to the Jedi, asking for their help. All but Ethan take a weapon; but when the Jedi ignite the lightsabers, they glow red!
The temple droid descends, and its central cavity opens to reveal the masked Margrave. "I have been here the entire time," he says. The Sith turn to face him and attack! The Margrave engages the Sith, destroying several with an impressive command of the Force, while Ethan and Kara ignite their lightsabers and join the fight. As Kara duels, her lightsaber blade changes from clear to green!
As one Sith overpowers Juro with dark energy, Kara comes to help; her distraction gives the Margrave a chance to end the dark warrior. They return to the center of a temple, where the last remaining Sith's lightsaber changes from red to purple -- a Jedi temporarily corrupted by the Sith's darkness.
The battle over, Juro explains that he learned a number of Jedi who answered his call were killed, with Sith sent in their place. He had to remain hidden to find out which were loyal to the dark side, but promises to help find Kara's father. Still, Juro senses that there are other Jedi, and invites Kara to join him as the ninth Jedi. Together, the small band leaves on Juro's ship with a mission to restore the Jedi Order.
"The Ninth Jedi" Episode Gallery
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