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Station to Station Episode Gallery
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Jace Rucklin and Tam toil away on their latest rotation before being called away by Lieutenant Galek. She orders them to make a supply run to the Titan, a First Order refueling station. Upon arrival, Tam is shocked to see that the Titan bears a strong resemblance to the Colossus!
As they walk through the station's corridors, Tam sees someone that looks familiar. "Kaz?" she says to herself. When she calls out to the technician, he doesn't respond.
Her intuition was right! Kaz and Neeku are on board, disguised as technicians and looking for the trans-binary deflector. Kaz knows that Tam recognized him, however.
Kaz and Neeku make their way upstairs...but stormtroopers stop Kaz and order him to escort General Hux to a meeting with Commander Pyre! In the lift, Kaz's anger at Hux grows, and he must stop himself from confronting the general -- who Kaz knows gave the command to destroy his homeworld.
Tam and Jace reach the supply depot; meanwhile, Kaz reconnects with Neeku and CB-23. They need to get out before Pyre knows of their presence, but first they'll need to get to the engineering room in order to deactivate and secure the deflector.
Kaz, Neeku, and CB-23 sneak through the ship and reach the engineering room. The droid leaves to prep their ship while Neeku and Kaz get to work extracting the deflector. But Jace spots them!
Kaz tries to reason with Jace, explaining that the Colossus is old, and without a new trans binary deflector, everyone will fry from cosmic radiation. "That's what you get for choosing the wrong side, Kaz," Rucklin says, before contacting command and leaving.
The Resistance heroes frantically remove the deflector, but the doors are sealed and alarms continue to howl. Watching from a security monitor, Tam comes to understand the desperate situation of the Colossus, and opens the doors. When stormtroopers arrive, she sends them off in the opposite direction.
But Kaz and Neeku soon run out of luck, reaching a locked door. Suddenly, Pyre, flanked by Hux and stormtroopers, appears and recognizes Kaz! The First Order soldiers open fire, and CB-23 seals a door between them just in time.
Finally, Kaz and Neeku reach the main hangar. The Nikto has an idea: use a crane to transport them over the stormtroopers. Though it doesn't go as smoothly as they'd like, Kaz, Neeku, and CB-23 all make it back to the ship.
They take off, pursued by TIE fighters, but get away. Meanwhile, Hux berates Pyre for his failure. "Find the Colossus, and destroy it!" he bellows. Pyre reports to Agent Tierny. "If we play this right, Miss Ryvora will help us destroy the Colossus," she says.
Their supply run complete, Rucklin and Tam fly their TIE fighters back to their ship. Jace mocks the Colossus for being in such a sorry state that they need to steal parts from the First Order. "Yeah," Tam replies. "Desperate."
Station to Station Episode Gallery
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