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No Escape: Part 2 Episode Gallery
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Following the First Order's destruction of several systems, including Kaz's home planet of Hosnian Prime, the young spy is devastated -- but determined. "We have to stop them," he tells Torra. "No matter what."
Kaz, Torra, and CB-23 finally reach the cell holding Doza and Yeager, and free their friends. While it's a huge risk, they resolve to get the Colossus -- which has not flown in 20 years -- in the air.
To launch the station, they'll need to release all the water it took on while being submerged in Castilon's oceans. Neeku devises a plan that works -- and also flushes out some stormtroopers in the process. Shortly after, Neeku receives a transmission from a surprising source: Aunt Z.
Meanwhile, Commander Pyre grows frustrated at the continued setbacks. Agent Tierny suggests they call in reinforcements, and decides to take Tam off-world. After the First Order officers leave Doza's office, Yeager and Doza emerge, having heard Tierny and Pyre's conversation.
Kaz, Torra, and Yeager meet Tam and the First Order at the landing platform. Tam is angry. "Everything you told me was a lie!" she says to Kaz. As troops surround the our heroes, Kaz gives Neeku the signal, and the Colossus rises from the oceans.
A firefight erupts, and the First Order leaders scramble to escape. Given the choice, Tam takes Tierny's hand and leaves her former friends behind.
The First Order's reinforcements arrive, and TIE fighters begin to pummel the station. Doza releases the Aces, and help comes in the form of Aunt Z and Hype Fazon, who blast the First Order craft with abandon. Kaz and Yeager get to their ships and take to the skies.
The two sides exchange fire as the Colossus ascends. The station's forces outnumbered, Major Vonreg closes in on Kaz -- just as a large craft emerges from the clouds: Kragan's pirate ship! This time, however, the pirates have not come to pillage the Colossus; rather, Synara has led them here to save her friends.
But with the arrival of a Star Destroyer, making their escape becomes even more urgent. Doza continues to move the Colossus upward, while Kaz pulls off an astonishing maneuver -- piloting through the platform to blast Vonreg and save Yeager. The heroes of the Colossus return to the station, just as it makes the jump to lightspeed for D'Qar, home of the Resistance...
...Or so they thought. Neeku was unable to input complete hyperspace coordinates, so their destination is a mystery. "Well, wherever we're going, at least we're all together," Kaz says. "Most of us."
No Escape: Part 2 Episode Gallery
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