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"Spoils of War" Story Gallery | The Bad Batch
Spoiler alert! This story gallery contains plot details from this episode.
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All is calm on a sunny tropical world called Aynaboni — until a swarm of crab creatures burst onto the shoreline, chasing Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo of the Bad Batch!
Back on the Marauder, Tech leads Omega in her studies while they await their friends. Their session is interrupted when Hunter radios for help, but the creatures soon attack the ship too.
As they try to pull away, Omega is thrown from the ship. The young clone keeps the beasts at bay with her energy bow, then grabs onto the ship's tow cable. Just before the crab creatures close in, Tech and Omega finally rescue the remaining Bad Batchers.
The Bad Batch return to Cid's parlor. There they meet Phee, a mysterious pirate who has delivered some intel to Cid for their next job. "I expect a cut if your 'top team' comes through," she says (with a hint of sarcasm when referring to the Bad Batch) before leaving.
Cid breaks down the job: The Empire is seizing Count Dooku's war chest on Serenno, the Sith Lord's home planet. "There's still time to strike before it's all gone!" Cid says. Though Hunter initially bristles at the risk, he ultimately agrees to the mission.
En route, Echo goes to talk with Hunter. He knows that Hunter took the mission for Omega's sake. "Taking her off Kamino was the right thing to do," Echo says. "But there are others out there who need our help." From her room, Omega listens in on the conversation.
The Bad Batch arrive on Serenno and find the capital city destroyed. "Imperial orbital bombardment," Echo says. "Same as on Kamino." Scouting from above, they see that the Empire is in the middle of preparations to move the war chest off-world, while dozens of troopers keep watch.
The Batchers move in, hoping to quietly grab whatever they can. But the situation grows more complicated when Tech, Echo, and Omega end up trapped inside a container — and the freighter takes off.
With the situation growing more desperate, Hunter and Wrecker take the fight to the troopers as they try to reach the Imperial ship. But they don't make it in time.
The trapped Batchers decide to commandeer one of the escape pods. Meanwhile, Hunter and Wrecker make it to the tower, quickly followed by troopers.
As Omega, Tech, and Echo make their way through the ship, the troopers realize they're heading for the escape pods. The control deck immediately jettisons all pods, hoping to trap the Batchers. Thinking quickly, Omega realizes that the containers should have thrusters, giving the trio an alternate means of departure.
Finally, Tech initiates the cargo release. But as their container tumbles planetward, the reentry boosters fail to activate. "That is going to be a problem!" Tech says.
"Spoils of War" Story Gallery | The Bad Batch
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