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The Mandalorian: Chapter 3 Story Gallery
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The Mandalorian returns to Nevarro and delivers the Child to the Client, collecting a large bounty of beskar. But when the bounty hunter asks what will become of the young one, he gets no answers.
In the Armorer's workshop, the Mandalorian presents his payload of beskar. As his kin gather round, tension grows as one grumbles about the Mandalorian dealing with Imperials. The two come to blows before the Armorer settles matters, reminding them all of their bond. "This is the Way."
With the beskar, the Armorer crafts the Mandalorian a full cuirass, as well as a deposit of wrist-mounted whistling birds.
The Mandalorian, wearing his new armor, heads to the public house to meet with Greef Karga. Before leaving on his next assignment, he asks Greef what will happen to the Child. Karga doesn't know, and it's against the Guild's code to raise the question, he says tersely.
Sitting in the cockpit of the Razor Crest, the Mandalorian readies his ship. But when he moves to pull a lever, he finds it missing the knob — a favorite plaything of the Child. He sits for a moment, then quickly powers down the craft with a new resolve.
The Mandalorian stalks the Imperial safe house. After placing a grav charge on a wall of the complex, the explosion creates a large opening. He enters and blasts his way through the stronghold.
He finds Dr. Pershing and the Child. Pershing, cowering on the floor, pleads for his life and promises that they have not harmed the tiny being. When the doctor looks up, both the Mandalorian and the Child are gone.
The bounty hunter cradles the Child as he moves back through the safe house, making use of his new armor and weaponry. Meanwhile, tracking fobs at the public house activate.
Bounty hunters and Greef stop the Mandalorian before he can reach his ship, demanding he turn over the Child. A massive firefight erupts, and soon the Mandalorian finds himself cornered...until the other Mandalorians arrive, turning the tide of battle.
Settling into the cockpit of the Razor Crest, the Mandalorian and the Child take off for an unknown future.
The Mandalorian: Chapter 3 Story Gallery
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