On a simple supply run, Kaz and his friends discover something ancient and unexpected.
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On a simple supply run, Kaz and his friends discover something ancient and unexpected.
© 2015 Disney
Captain Doza sends Kaz, Torra, and Freya on a supply run to Ashas Ree. Kel and Eila pay Kaz a surprise visit, however, asking if they can come along. Kaz is hesitant, but ultimately agrees as long as they keep quiet and stay out of trouble.
Upon landing, the village seems deserted. Kel and Elia chase some beautiful butterfly-like creatures called parvinoths, while nearby, Torra spots a warning written on a wall: "Beware. Evil. Get away." Kaz, Freya, and Torra split up, agreeing to gather what they can and meet back in an hour.
Kaz gives chase to Kel and Eila, and finds that they've followed the parvinoths to what looks like an ancient temple. "I think it's a temple of the Force," Kel says, while Kaz notes that he never really believed in the Force. Heading inside, they spot various insignias -- and hear someone cry for help!
As they run further into the temple, they find themselves in a corridor of black and red...before a door closes and separates Kaz and CB-23 from Kel and Eila. Without warning, something zaps Kaz from above and dazes him. Still, he makes his way slowly forward and sees a mysterious object atop an altar...and he hears a voice.
But as Kaz tries to touch the relic, the floor opens beneath him and he falls! Trapped below, he sends CB-23 for help before someone emerges from the shadows...
Back at the landing site, Torra and Freya load up, but their radar detects incoming craft -- and Kaz is nowhere in sight.
Meanwhile, the mysterious captive at the temple reveals that they are not in an ancient Jedi edifice -- rather, they are in a Sith temple. She excavated the ancient building, which caused the village populace to leave, and has been trapped for two days.
Kaz's new acquaintance is most displeased when the clumsy pilot accidentally triggers a deadly trap. The room spins as a drill-like construct spins upward, and Kaz calls for help. CB-23, Kaz, and Eila come to the rescue and deactivate the chamber!
Now safe, the treasure hunter takes the relic, saying she will make sure that no one else gets it. But before they can safely exit, Kaz once again triggers a trap, and the temple begins to collapse. The group barely makes it out, only to discover that First Order Raiders -- specialized troopers that hunt down relics -- have captured Torra and Freya.
Though her ship has been destroyed, the woman from the temple seemingly vanishes and soon thereafter the Raiders capture Kaz, Kel, and Eila. As the interrogation begins, the temple explorer calls to the troopers, holding the artifact. They demand she hand it over, so she obliges -- activating the relic and throws it forward.
Kaz and his friends run into the temple for cover as the relic unleashes waves of energy, destroying the First Order Raiders. The mysterious woman tosses the now useless object aside, and reveals that her name is Mika Grey. Her ship gone, Grey leaves with Kaz and the group for the Colossus.
Aboard the shuttle ride home, Eila asks Mika about the Force. Grey says that she is not a Jedi or Sith, but explains that the Force does not belong to any one person. "It is something that is inside all of us. We just find it in different ways," she says, as Kaz listens intently.
© 2015 Disney
Parvinoth by Colas Gauthier
Ashas Ree outpost by Andre Krik
Ashas Ree outpost above view by Andre Krik
Ashas Ree lighting concept
Ashas Ree outpost concept by Andre Krik
Ashas Ree Sith temple by Jason Pichon
Temple chamber by Luke Harrington
Mika Grey concept art by JP Balmet
Relic concept art by Jim Moore
First Order Raiders concept art by Andre Kirk
Destroyed droid by Aaron Pham
Ashas Ree relic destruction lighting concept
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