As Agent Tierny unleashes the wrath of the First Order, Tam must choose a side once and for all.
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As Agent Tierny unleashes the wrath of the First Order, Tam must choose a side once and for all.
© 2015 Disney
Tam and Jace race to a viewport when their Star Destroyer reaches its destination, and Ryvora is surprised to see that they've returned to Aeos. Suddenly, an entire fleet of Star Destroyers arrives, opening fire on the village that helped the Resistance. Disgusted at the slaughter of innocent civilians, Tam runs away.
A maintenance mouse droid joins Tam in her quarters to perform a systems upgrade, but Tam sees an opportunity. She opens up the outer casings of the unit, quickly reprogramming it. "Now, you're going to help me get out of here," she says.
Meanwhile, Agent Tierny and Commander Pyre report back to General Hux -- but find Supreme Leader Kylo Ren waiting. Their failure to deal with the Colossus has not escaped his attention. Reaching out through the Force, he influences the two to stand and point their blasters at each other. "Now do you understand?" he asks ominously.
As the two leave Tierny's office, Tam and her little companion sneak in. Ryvora accesses a compartment in Tierny's desk and finds her confiscated comlink! She absconds with it to her quarters, and uses the mouse droid to reactivate her device.
On the Colossus, Kaz's comlink begins to sound. It's a message from Tam, and Neeku translates it as "Meet me in three cycles in the place where Bibo lives." Kaz, however, understands what the communication really means: Tam wants to leave the First Order and meet on Castilon!
Though Doza believes it's a trap, Yeager quickly points out that the captain himself once changed alliances. Doza begrudgingly agrees to the mission, and grants Yeager and Kaz use of a stolen First Order shuttle. On the Star Destroyer, Tam readies her TIE fighter when Agent Tierny approaches, asking what she's doing. Suspicious of Tam's excuse that her training exercise has changed hangars, Tierny commands Jace to join his squadron leader.
Kaz and Yeager, accompied by CB-23, arrive at Castilon and dock at a racing ring, while back on the Star Destroyer, Tierny has been made aware of Tam's treachery. Soon, Tam, Jace, and two flanking TIEs come to Castilon, and though Tam orders the other fighters to hold their fire, Rucklin spots Kaz and Yeager. He frantically commands the other ships to attack -- before Tam knocks him out. When the First Order craft won't stand down, Tam blasts them out of the sky, saving her old friends.
They meet on the racing ring and Tam quickly embraces Kaz. Yeager and Tam's reunion isn't quite as smooth, so Kaz cuts it short, but they can't leave just yet. Tam won't leave Jace behind, and soon the First Order arrives, opening fire on their shuttle.
They fly the transport out of the Castilon atmosphere and zoom into space, trying to contact the Colossus. The signal is weak, however, and soon the shuttle stops moving forward...they're caught in a tractor beam! Tam suggests they try something Yeager pulled at the Battle of Jakku, and after some hesitance he finally agrees -- setting the shuttle to self-destruct.
In the hangar, Tam and Jace walk down the cargo ramp of the shuttle, hands up. Pyre deems Ryvora a traitor and asks for her accomplices, though she denies that anyone else is inside the transport. Secretly, Yeager, Kaz, and their droid exit from the back of the ship and hide in the shadows. Jace, terrified of being executed, reveals the location of the Colossus, which he learned via the shuttle's flight data.
As stormtroopers take Tam and Rucklin away, Kaz, Yeager, and CB-23 make a run for it -- just before the shuttle explodes! Troopers and Tierny open fire, chasing the rebels further into the ship, and Pyre orders the Star Destroyer to go to the Barabesh system.
On the Colossus, Neeku reports that they've lost the transport's signal completely. Torra wants to investigate, but her father prefers to wait for a response. Venisa, his wife, pressures Doza, saying, "And if they don't respond, Emanuel...?" The captain looks forward, pondering the difficult decision he must make.
© 2015 Disney
Comlink by Jason Pichon
AT-AT by Stephanie Carey
AT-ST by Stephanie Carey
Speeder bike by Stephanie Carey
Speeder bike details by Stephanie Carey
Star Destroyer interior by Colas Gauthier
Star Destroyer hangar by Jim Moore
Star Destroyer hangar with vehicles by Amy Beth Christenson
Star Destroyer hyperdrive by Aaron Pham
Star Destroyer hyperdrive detailed by Aaron Pham
Star Destroyer hyperdrive interior by Aaron Pham
Star Destroyer hyperdrive panels by Aaron Pham
The conflict between the First Order and the Colossus comes to an end.
Venisa Doza's fighter squadron and the Aces launch a dangerous mission to escort Resistance recruits to safety.
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Kaz leads a strike team to investigate a mysterious Resistance distress signal.
When Tam is sent to a First Order refueling station, some unexpected guests test the limits of her loyalty.
After a pirate places a curse on Kaz, matters become worse when the Colossus enters Guavian Death space.
The Colossus visit a casino for some racing that will hopefully bring a big payday to the platform. But the owner's ships may not be so easy to defeat.
The First Order captures a Resistance pilot with a connection to Captain Doza and Torra.
On a simple supply run, Kaz and his friends discover something ancient and unexpected.
Kaz and his friends head to Flix's homeworld in search of fuel. But has deep-core drilling awoken a fabled creature?
Kaz and Synara investigate a distress signal and find a survivor of a First Order attack. But is she really who she claims to be?
As the Colossus runs dangerously low on food, Kaz and Torra look to catch the massive jakoosk creature in a last-ditch attempt to feed the ship's citizenry.
With the Aces in need of combat training, Yeager becomes their new squad leader and Kaz joins the team. Meanwhile, Tam begins her own pilot exercises with the First Order.
The Colossus, low on hyperfuel, arrives at D'Qar only to find the aftermath of a deadly battle -- but Kaz looks to seize an opportunity.
Following their battle with the First Order, Kaz and his friends hope to reach the Resistance base on D'Qar. But the Colossus has suffered damage, and there may be other threats lurking in the shadows...
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