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Rise of the Old Masters Episode Gallery
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Ezra continues his Jedi training with Kanan, balancing atop the Ghost's laser cannon turret. As the Padawan struggles, Kanan implores him to focus -- something made even more difficult by Zeb's heckling -- and imparts one of Yoda's key teachings. "Do. Or do not," he says. "There is no try." When Ezra presses him for an explanation, Kanan admits he never really understood what Yoda meant.
They switch to lightsaber instruction, with Chopper lobbing canisters at Ezra. The boy's frustration builds as he's pummeled, swinging and missing consistently, and Kanan grows impatient. Finally, as the canisters overwhelm Ezra, he stumbles backwards and falls off the ship.
Ezra plummets quickly through the air, seemingly to his death, then somehow stops. He begins to float upwards, as Kanan levitates him through the Force and back to the ship. Zeb emerges from the cargo bay and grabs Ezra, pulling him back onto the Ghost. In the corridors of the craft, Kanan scolds Ezra for being unfocused and undisciplined. "Whose fault is that?" Ezra sneers.
The group reconvenes to watch a HoloNet News brief, which is suddenly interrupted by an underground transmission. Gall Trayvis, a Senator in exile, reports that Jedi Master Luminara Unduli -- long thought dead -- is alive and in Imperial custody. Kanan is determined to save her, and believes Luminara will make a better teacher for Ezra. Privately, Ezra is hurt by his Master's eagerness to let him go.
Luminara is being held in the Spire, a high-security prison in Stygeon system. It's impregnable, as it's blast-proof, ray shielded, protected by anti-ship weapons, TIE fighters, and scanners. Kanan devises a plan: they'll arrive at a minimally protected entrance and make their way up to Luminara.
While Chopper stays behind on the Ghost, the rest of the team takes the Phantom to the prison. Kanan leaps to the entrance point, silently taking out two stormtroopers and putting the rescue in perfect motion...
...until Ezra disobeys orders and follows him. The boy hits the ground awkwardly and tumbles into the blast door, drawing the attention of more Imperials.
The rest of the team joins them, helping to take out the remaining stormtroopers. But Kanan is not happy, and reiterates that Luminara will teach Ezra discipline.
Hera docks the Phantom to the side of the Spire. While waiting, she picks up an incoming object on radar, but it's not a ship; a tibidee, a large ray-like creature, lands and nuzzles the Phantom. The ship's jammer is operating on the same frequency as the animal, and it soon draws others. They follow the Phantom as Hera tries to find a more secure location.
Once inside, Kanan and Ezra make their way to Luminara's cell. But something's wrong. The imprisoned Jedi does not respond to Kanan. She walks away from him, her image flickering and vanishing as she crosses through a large vertical container.
The container, however, is actually a coffin -- a coffin holding Luminara's remains. She is dead, after all, and Kanan and Ezra have walked into a trap.
Emerging from the doorway is a Pau’an male. Igniting a red-bladed lightsaber, he says, "I am the Inquisitor. Welcome." The dark warrior reveals that Luminara's bones have been used as bait for surviving Jedi numerous times, and as he duels Kanan, identifies the Jedi's Master based solely on his fighting technique. Seemingly trapped, Ezra uses one of Sabine's bombs to blow up the door.
The Master and Padawan escape the cell, and the Inquisitor gives chase. He ignites a second blade to his disc-hilt and taunts the duo, offering Ezra the chance to join the dark side. "Never heard of it," Ezra says, before firing some electric charges from his slingshot at the Inquisitor. In return, the dark side warrior drives the Padwan back with a harsh Force push.
Meanwhile, Zeb and Sabine do what they can to disable the prison's elevators -- and eliminate as many stormtroopers as possible in the process.
The Inquisitor and Kanan continue to fight. The Imperial tells Kanan that if he surrenders, he can save Ezra. "I'm not making deals with you," the Jedi says. With that, the Inquisitor sends Kanan careening down the corridor with a Force push, knocking him unconscious.
Ezra evades the Inquisitor's attacks but is eventually cornered. "Ready to die?" the Pau'an asks. Just before the Inquisitor can deliver the killing strike, Kanan wakes up. He reaches out, grabbing the Inquistor through the Force, and momentarily pins him to the ceiling.
Kanan and Ezra run, meeting up with Sabine and Zeb, while the Inquisitor stalks them from behind. Finally, they make it through the blast doors but find themselves locked in a hangar.
With the Inquisitor closing in, Kanan and Ezra work together. Calming themselves, they reach out through the Force to open the massive door...
...but find a squad of stormtroopers waiting for them on the other side. Zeb lobs the last of Sabine's explosives, and the group charges out onto the landing platform. They contact Hera, who says she'll be there -- and she's bringing the fleet.
The Phantom rises, a flock of tibidees in tow. Hera blasts a docked TIE fighter and provides cover for the rest of the crew, while the creatures mow down stormtroopers.
The Inquisitor finally breaks through and runs onto the platform. His lightsaber set in a spin mode, he hurls it at Kanan, who deftly blocks the attack. The Jedi hunter watches angrily as the rebel ship gets away.
Back in the outskirts of Lothal, Kanan and Ezra talk. "I just wanted you to have the best teacher," Kanan says. Ezra replies that he doesn't want the best teacher -- he just wants Kanan. The Jedi comes to a new understanding of Yoda's teaching. He will not try to teach Ezra. He will teach him. There is no try.
Rise of the Old Masters Episode Gallery
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