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Legends of the Lasat Trivia Gallery
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The music in this episode was inspired by the work of composer Philip Glass.
Chava refers to her belief in the “Ashla.” In George Lucas’ early story treatments for the original Star Wars, the dark and light aspects of the Force were given proper names: the Bogan and the Ashla. In fact, Ahsoka’s early name during the development of The Clone Wars was “Ashla.”
The working title for this episode was “Legacy of the Lasat,” but this was changed when an earlier episode this season was renamed “Legacy.”
The trading outpost in this episode is Nixus Hub 218, located on the same world as the hub seen in “Brothers of the Broken Horn.”
In the script, Gron would clarify why the Lasat are hunted by the Empire. “We are living evidence of their crime on Lasan. To hide the legacy of their evil, they would wipe our kind from the galaxy forever.”
Legends of the Lasat Trivia Gallery
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