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The Imperial light carrier ship design is based on artwork by Doug Chiang and Troy Vigil created for the first edition of The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels (1996), where it described the Rebel ship, Flurry, from The Truce at Bakura (1994). The triangular shape of the vehicle put it more in line with the Imperial aesthetic, hence its use here.
When Hera Syndulla gets flustered, her natural Twi’lek accent comes through, answering a longstanding fan question as to why she didn’t sound like the other Twi’leks seen in The Clone Wars.
The original script made reference to “The Ballad of Cham Syndulla,” a song composed by Gobi Glie and written for an online web comic that accompanied the first season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Cham’s shoulder armor, Gobie’s gauntlets, vambraces and holster and Numa’s arm armor and belt are all salvaged pieces of Ghost Company clone trooper kit.
On Numa’s upper left arm, the word “BOIL” is written in aurebesh as well as a particular crest in reference to one of the clone troopers that rescued her in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. She also has a faded Tooka illustration on her tunic.
Homecoming Trivia Gallery
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