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Gathering Forces Trivia Gallery
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The XX-23 S-thread tracker is a piece of technology first detailed in Cracken’s Rebel Field Guide, a roleplaying game guide book published by West End Games in 1991.
The crested logo on the Phantom’s hull that the tracker attaches to is a nod to the Allied Van Lines decal that adorns the cockpit of the original Millennium Falcon ILM visual effects model. The number 54 is in reference to the interstate that winds through concept artist Amy Beth Christenson’s hometown in Kansas.
This episode marks the first appearance of Ezra’s customized cadet helmet, which Sabine has painted.
The Phantom does not have a hyperdrive, hence the extremely dangerous maneuver of dropping out of hyperspace mid-transit.
Admiral Kassius Konstantine’s Star Destroyer is named the Relentless.
This marks the first appearance of the Sentinel-class shuttle in the series. The vessel was designed for the Special Edition of Star Wars.
The blockade runner seen in this episode is not the Tantive IV seen in “Droids in Distress.”
The massive fyrnock that Ezra summons through the Force was simply called “Fyrnock Mama” in production.
Gathering Forces Trivia Gallery
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