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Aboard the Ghost, Ezra tries to levitate a bowl through the power of the Force. He concentrates deeply. The bowl begins to rock back and forth, until suddenly, it rises from the table. Ezra opens his eyes and exclaims, "Yes!" at the sight. But his joy disappears when he sees that Chopper had lifted the object. The droid throws the bowl at Ezra as a final punchline, then darts from the room.
While chasing Chopper, Ezra passes Sabine's room. He notices that she's painting, and slyly says, "If you ever need a little inspiration..." "I'll be sure to look elsewhere," Sabine replies.
Ezra chases Chopper into his quarters, and the droid shoots a surprise electric charge in Ezra's direction. The boy dodges the blast, and it instead hits a sleeping Zeb Orrelios. The Lasat angrily gets up, ready to pound his roommate -- until Ezra reminds him that he saved his life from Agent Kallus.
All seems well until Ezra's bunk collapses onto Zeb; Chopper had removed the bolts. The fight begins anew, with Zeb chasing Ezra throughout the ship.
Finally, Hera puts a stop to the bickering. "Enough," she says. "This is my ship you're wrecking, and I want you off it." She gives them a market list, sending them both on a supply run with one stipulation: they can't come back without a meiloorun fruit.
The dysfunctional duo arrive in the town of Kothar, and Ezra is quickly called over by a vendor. His name is Morad Sumar, a local farmer who knew Ezra's parents. Ezra asks if he has any meilooruns for sale, but Morad says they're not grown on Lothal, and can only be purchased from an importer.
Ezra says his goodbyes, but notices Supply Master Lyste and a stormtrooper escort nearby. He watches as Lyste approaches the farmer, demanding to know if Sumar has "changed his mind." Sumar firmly says that he is not selling his farm to the Empire. With that, Lyste coldly walks away.
After the altercation, Zeb catches up with Ezra, having found everything on their list except for meilooruns. The Lasat hands Ezra a bin, asking him to hold onto it while he goes to find the rare fruit. The boy protests, again reminding Zeb that he saved his life. They argue again, knocking over a nearby crate -- filled with meilooruns.
They inquire about buying the entire crate, but are informed that it's already spoken for: the Empire is taking the vendor's full supply of meilooruns.
After a failed attempt at levitating a crate from the Imperial Troop Transport, Ezra decides to steal the meilooruns the old-fashioned way. But taking a moment to inspect the fruit, he's spotted by stormtroopers.
Zeb and Ezra take off through the Kothar streets, stormtroopers giving chase. Using his natural climbing ability, Zeb grabs Ezra and heads up the side of a building. As Imperials close in, he tosses the boy onto the roof, just before a blaster bolt causes the Lasat to lose his grip and fall back to the ground.
Thankfully, stormtroopers break the bruiser's fall. Zeb heads to an outdoor hangar, where a TIE fighter and stormtroopers surround him. With no way out, the Lasat raises his hands...then leaps to a crate and onto the TIE itself. He opens the craft's hatch from above, throws out the pilot, and jumps in.
Despite never having flown a TIE fighter, Zeb takes the controls and opens fire on his pursuers. "Too bad the kid wasn't here to see that!" he says, and flies off in search of Ezra.
As the TIE pulls up alongside him, an on-the-run Ezra is shocked to see his roommate in the cockpit. He begs Zeb to let him in, which leads to some initial taunting. "If I let you in," Zeb says, "we're even." Ezra agrees, and the hatch to the TIE opens.
The two struggle over the controls of the ship, awkwardly flying it sideways through the town marketplace. They accidentally fire on a fruit stand, splattering juice on the TIE's windshield and completely obscuring the view from the cockpit. Through the Force, however, Ezra senses that they're about to collide with a stone heap. At the last minute, he maneuvers them to a clear path.
Back on the Ghost, Chopper and Kanan play a game of Dejarik, and the outcome doesn't please the cranky droid. Shortly after, Zeb and Ezra radio home, letting Kanan and Hera know that they've...inadvertently...stolen a TIE fighter. Kanan is not happy, and sets a rendezvous point.
Meanwhile, Supply Master Lyste arrives at Sumar's homestead. The farmer reiterates that he will not sell. "You misunderstand," the Imperial says. "We are no longer interested in buying."
At his command, the Imperial Troop Transport opens fire, destroying the famer's home. All present are placed under arrest, and confined in the ITT's exterior holding pens.
En route to Kanan's coordinates, Zeb and Ezra see smoke billowing in the distance. Ezra realizes where it's coming from, and the two follow the Imperial convoy leaving the scene. Zeb contacts the ITTs, claiming to be a Commander Meiloorun, and demands they reduce speed. With that, Ezra leaps onto the transport containing the prisoners and reaches out through the Force, unlocking their restraints.
After the farmers leap to safety, stormtroopers emerge to take down Ezra. He evades their fire, jumping from transport to transport. Ducking for cover, the boy realizes he's hiding behind the meiloorun crate, and throws some at the Imperial soldiers. Ezra defeats several troopers, but ultimately finds himself cornered with no place to go...
...until Zeb arrives. Using the stolen TIE fighter, he blasts the remaining stormtroopers clear, then doubles back to grab Ezra. Together in the cockpit, Ezra is thankful. "Guess I owe you now," he says. "Let's just say we're eternally even," Zeb replies.
The shopping ordeal complete, Zeb and Ezra return -- with a meiloorun. They tell Kanan and Hera that they crashed the TIE fighter on purpose, and joyfully head back inside the Ghost, eager to relax in their room...
...and find a rather special mural painted by Sabine. Neither Ezra nor Zeb are happy with their depictions, and they finally agree on something: this is all Chopper's fault.
The two chase Chopper into the ship's cargo bay, falling over each other and spilling crates in their rush to grab the droid. Finally calm, Ezra and Zeb share a smile, reflecting on the adventures of the day.
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