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The Forgotten Droid Trivia Gallery
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The light carrier stolen from Ryloth has undergone some cosmetic changes, including orange markings, yellow decals, and Sabine’s starbird symbol on the starboard side of the bridge.
AP-5 is named after series producer Athena Portillo. According to executive producer Dave Filoni, the 5 comes from Portillo’s height of 5” tall.
AP-5’s design stems from the Death Star Droid, and his proportions better match the early Ralph McQuarrie sketches of that character, particularly its rounded shoulders.
The stacked containers of the Imperial cargo ship have helpful aurebesh signs advising “THIS SIDE UP.”
Among the items in the Ugnaught’s wares are astromech body frames, astromech heads, protocol droid lower legs, gonk droid feet, protocol droid heads and plunk droids.
Though not named in the episode, the newly discovered planet is called Atollon.
When Hera is particularly angry, she’ll go into full “mom” mode and use a character’s full name. She does this in this episode by calling Chopper “C1-10P.”
The Forgotten Droid Trivia Gallery
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