When agents of the Empire pose a new threat, Obi-Wan Kenobi emerges after years of hiding.
© 2015 Disney

Part I Story Gallery | Obi-Wan Kenobi
Spoiler alert! This story gallery contains plot details from this episode.
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On a pleasant Coruscant evening, a Jedi Master instructs younglings on a balcony of the Jedi Temple. Suddenly, they're interrupted by clone troopers -- who open fire! The Jedi leads her students inside, protecting them until she falls. With chaos all around them, the younglings scatter.
Ten years later, the Empire's Inquisitors arrive on Tatooine. They are Jedi hunters, and have tracked a survivor to a saloon. The ambitious Reva, also called the Third Sister, draws him out. But the Jedi escapes. When she mentions hunting "bigger prey," the Grand Inquisitor chastises Reva. "You will forget this fixation with Kenobi," he tells her.
In the Tatooine desert, a makeshift operation harvests the meat from a dead tibidon sand whale. Working the line is Obi-Wan Kenobi, visibly older and worn since his days as a Jedi Master.
The next day, Kenobi travels to the Lars homestead and watches from afar. There he sees a young Luke Skywalker, pretending to pilot a ship. At nightfall, Kenobi leaves a model ship for the boy. As he heads back home, the missing Jedi, Nari, stops Obi-Wan. But Kenobi will not help him. "The time of the Jedi is over," he says.
Meanwhile, on Alderaan, the young princess -- Leia Organa -- runs carefree in the palace woods. Her loyal droid, Lola, joins her in a tree as they watch starships. The adventure soon ends when the queen arrives, however, reclaiming Leia for an important reception. But as they leave, someone watches...
After another day of work, Owen Lars confronts Obi-Wan, tossing the model ship back. "I'm asking you to leave us alone, Ben," he says. Shortly after, the Inquisitors arrive demanding information on the missing Jedi. Reva targets Owen, but he says nothing.
Looking to avoid her family's reception, Leia again runs to the woods -- only this time she's not alone. Waiting for the princess is an unknown gang of mercenaries, who chase and capture her. The Organas contact Obi-Wan, asking for help, but he declines. "It's been 10 years," he says. "I'm not who I used to be."
In the town square, citizens gather. Obi-Wan comes to see what has their attention, only to find Nari, dead and on display. Kenobi heads home, and a visitor awaits: Bail Organa. His old friend has come to make one last appeal, as they have tracked the kidnappers to Daiyu. "You couldn't save Anakin," he says. "But you can save her."
On Tatooine, Obi-Wan rides his eopie into the desert. They arrive at a specific location and Kenobi digs, uncovering a box. Inside are two lightsabers: his own, and Anakin Skywalker's. Meanwhile, the kidnappers contact Reva, who assures that Kenobi will come for the girl.
Obi-Wan returns to town and makes his way to a commercial vessel. Lightsaber hidden beneath his cloak, Obi-Wan pays his fare and steps forward.
Part I Story Gallery | Obi-Wan Kenobi
© 2015 Disney

Part I Trivia Gallery | Obi-Wan Kenobi
Fun facts and trivia from this episode!
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As the episode opens in Mos Eisley, one of the background droids is a recreation of an astromech originally seen roaming the spaceport city in Star Wars: A New Hope. The red-domed droid was named R3-T2 by the Star Wars Customizable Card Game in 1998, an identifier used by the Obi-Wan Kenobi production crew.
The whaling station that Obi-Wan toils at in his new life as Ben is carving apart the carcass of a downed tibidon sand whale, which is a larger sized relative of the tibidees seen in the Star Wars Rebels episode, “Rise of the Old Masters.” The design is a repurposed Ralph McQuarrie concept of a flying whale explored for Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.
Although not said in the series, Obi-Wan’s eopie is named Akkani, a moniker that would be used in Marvel's Star Wars: Obi-Wan comic series that accompanied the show's release.
When young Leia is looking up at ships flying over Aldera, the Alderaan capital, she imagines that one of them is an Aquillian Ranger. The Aquillian Rangers are from early draft scripts of Star Wars: A New Hope, and the Merson Pirates that Leia mentions are from the '70s Marvel Star Wars comic series: fittingly, a younger Obi-Wan Kenobi faces the threat of Merson Pirates in Star Wars #24 (1979).
The ship Leia imagines the ranger flying is the Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus starfighter design, developed in collaboration between Lucasfilm’s Art Department and the designers at Porsche.
Young Princess Leia’s handmaiden who takes her place during the dressing scene is an Imroosian (the same species as Margo in Solo: A Star Wars Story). Agira is played by Molly Miller, who is also the stunt double for the roles of Leia and Luke in this series.
Queen Breha Organa promises there to be sweetmallows at the reception, which are a confection previously seen sold by vendor Aki-Akis on Pasaana in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
Queen Breha’s sister is identified as Duchess Celly Organa, a name that had previously applied to Bail Organa’s sister in the Legends novel, Star Wars: Children of the Jedi. A re-examination of 1977 notes from George Lucas regarding Alderaanian culture made it clear the royal lineage and name extends through the queen’s side of the family, as seen in Bail Organa’s original title of Viceroy.
Star Wars' iconic droid duo, currently part of the House of Organa, make background appearances in the Alderaan reception hall -- C-3PO during the gathering, and R2-D2 after it.
Part I Trivia Gallery | Obi-Wan Kenobi
© 2015 Disney

Stills Gallery | Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Stills Gallery | Obi-Wan Kenobi
© 2015 Disney

Poster Gallery | Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Poster Gallery | Obi-Wan Kenobi
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"Jedi cannot help what they are. Their compassion leaves a trail." – Grand Inquisitor
"Jedi cannot help what they are. Their compassion leaves a trail."
"When the time comes, he must be trained." – Obi-Wan Kenobi
"When the time comes, he must be trained."
"Be careful, Third Sister. You go to far." – Fifth Brother
"Be careful, Third Sister. You go to far."
"You couldn't save Anakin, but you can save her." – Bail Organa
"You couldn't save Anakin, but you can save her."
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