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Droids in Distress Episode Gallery
Low on food and fuel, the Ghost crew agrees to steal a weapons shipment for crime lord Cikatro Vizago. During the mission, they encounter a familiar droid duo -- and find that the weapons in question are more deadly than they'd realized.
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After a close call with some TIE fighters, the Ghost escapes into hyperspace. The crew is low on food and fuel, and unsure of what to do next. Kanan suggests they take up Cikatro Vizago on a standing offer to steal a weapons shipment -- though they don't know exactly what kind of arms they'd be stealing for the crime lord.
They arrive at a spaceport and board a star commuter shuttle; per Kanan's plan, they pretend to be strangers. Sabine and Zeb sit behind an Imperial, Minister Maketh Tua, and her Aqualish companion, Amda Wabo. Frustrated with their language barrier, Tua calls for her translator...
...a droid named C-3PO. He boards the shuttle with his counterpart, an astromech called R2-D2.
The shuttle, piloted by RX-24, is bound for Garel. It takes off and hits lightspeed, though the journey is not a long one.
Through C-3PO, Wabo expresses his gratitude that Tua is accompanying him to Garel. But their conversation is interrupted by Chopper and Ezra, who bicker and argue, and the droid eventually zaps the boy with an electrical charge.
Kanan complains to RX-24, who informs Ezra that he'll have to take Chopper to the back of the craft. Ezra demands that if his droid has to leave, so do Artoo and Threepio. Despite the Minister's protests, all droids are sent to the rear of the shuttle.
Wabo continues to talk to Tua, but she doesn't understand a word. Sabine inches forward, claiming to be a Level 5 Imperial Academy student, and able to translate Aqualish.
C-3PO claims that this development may upset their true mission, which causes R2-D2 to quickly shush his friend with a hard knock. In response, Chopper bumps into Artoo, defending the gold droid. "You see, Artoo?" he says. "Here is an astromech that understands etiquette."
With Sabine translating, Tua asks Wabo where a "shipment" is being held. "He said Bay 17," the Mandalorian relays.
The Minister thanks Sabine for her help, claiming she did a great service for her Empire. The Imperials head for Bay 17, while Sabine slyly tells Ezra to go to the real location: Bay 7.
The boy, frustrated that he's on a thieving mission and not training to be a Jedi, reluctantly makes his way to Bay 7. He completes a series of very long jumps that would be impossible for most.
Together in Bay 7, the group locates the cargo and opens one of the crates. Zeb recoils at the sight of the weapon they're stealing: T-Z ion disruptors, capable of short-circuiting an entire ship, and banned by the Senate.
Meanwhile, Tua finds Bay 17 to be empty and quickly becomes agitated. C-3PO, translating for Wabo, tells Tua that Bay 7 is the correct location -- the interpreter on the shuttle must have made a mistake.
As the Imperials leave for Bay 7, Chopper tries to stall them. He again slams into Artoo, and the two have a small tussle. Tua is suspicious, however. She realizes that Chopper was the droid that caused their translator to leave her side on the shuttle. "To Bay 7. Double time!" she commands.
The Imperials arrive, and Wabo confirms that these are his disruptors. Zeb invites the stormtroopers to inspect his cargo...then changes his mind, taking on the entire squad himself. "You want disruptors? You gotta come through me!"
The rest of the team loads the crates onto the Ghost, and C-3PO and R2-D2 join them. Kanan tells Ezra to keep an eye on the "Imperial droids," and Zeb, visibly disturbed, implores Kanan to consider not selling the weaponry. He'd rather take them out of circulation, period.
Minister Tua contacts Agent Kallus, reporting the theft, and the ISB agent recognizes the description of the Ghost crew. Meanwhile, Zeb boots Ezra from his quarters, enraging the teen. Hera asks Ezra to cut the Lasat some slack; the weapons they just stole were used to essentially wipe out Zeb's people.
Finally, they arrive on Lothal to meet with Vizago. Zeb again expresses his dismay at selling the weapons, but Kanan wants to finish the job.
Left alone, C-3PO makes a distress call. It is rerouted -- to Agent Kallus -- and the protocol droid sends the Ghost's coordinates. "Help is on the way," Kallus says.
Vizago is impressed with the weaponry, and is eager to make the purchase.
His attitude changes, however, with the arrival of the Imperials. "You were followed!" he bellows. The gangster leaves with some of the disruptors, refusing to pay for "half a shipment."
The Empire begins their attack, air-dropping AT-DP walkers onto the surface. Kanan refuses to let the weapons fall into Imperial hands. He uses one disruptor to take down a walker, while Sabine and Artoo set the crates to explode -- taking another walker and several stormtroopers with them.
Kallus and his troopers finally arrive, and the ISB agent commands Zeb to battle him. The Imperial fights with a bo-rifle, the weapon of a Lasat Honor Guard. He claims to have removed it from one himself when the Empire conquered Lasan. Kallus fights well, and is ready to finish Zeb.
But it is not to be. Ezra, instinctively calling on his Jedi abilities, Force pushes the Imperial away from his friend. Kallus slams into a wall and falls to the ground, unconscious. Kanan is shocked at Ezra's display of power, and all make it safely onto the Ghost.
Kanan decides to return the droids to their rightful owner, who offers payment in gratitude. After Kanan departs, C-3PO assures his master -- Bail Organa -- that he did not reveal his identity. Artoo reports that he recorded everything that had transpired with the shipment and the Ghost crew. They will focus on the Imperials later, Organa says; for now, he is curious to learn about these "rebels."
Droids in Distress Episode Gallery
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