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On the frozen world of Orto Plutonia, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and representatives of the nearby moon of Pantora discover a Republic outpost that has been mysteriously attacked by unknown assailants.
Pantoran Senator Riyo Chuchi assesses the damage to the Republic outpost.
The Talz monitor the movements of the Jedi across the icy plains of their homeworld.
Anakin and Obi-Wan locate the Talz village.
In a Talz hut, Anakin illustrates a Talz and a human being shaking hands -- a symbol of peace and cooperation.
The Talz chieftain reciprocates his intentions for peace to the Jedi, who take the message back to the Pantorans.
After receiving the report about the Talz from Anakin and Obi-Wan, Pantoran Chairman Cho Chi argues that Pantoran scouts have never found anyone living on the planet, and decides that the Talz are trespassers.
The Jedi have promised a peaceful meeting between the Talz and the Pantorans, but Cho demands an armed clone force to attend.
Through Threepio, Talz chieftain Thi-Sen welcomes the Pantorans, but reiterates the Talz' desire to be left alone and asks them to leave the planet. Cho Chi says the Pantorans will not be commanded.
Chairman Cho leads a force of Freeco and BARC speeders into battle, rushing to face the narglatch-riding Talz.
The Chairman is hit in the back by a spear and collapses onto the icy ground. Rex stops the Talz from finishing him off, and he drapes Cho's wounded form onto a BARC bike and speeds away.
Chuchi makes contact with the Pantoran Assembly. The home world has decided that Chairman Cho's actions are out ot order and have given Senator Chuchi the authority she needs to negotiate a peaceful settlement with the Talz.
A Republic gunship lands between the Talz and the clones. Thi-Sen orders his Talz to halt.
Senator Chuchi crouches before the dying Chairman, who orders her to avenge his death and destroy the Talz. Chuchi refuses. With C-3PO, she approaches Thi-Sen, who dismounts and walks toward her. She calls for an end to the bloodshed, choosing to live for her people rather than die for them.
Thi-Sen echoes her sentiment by burying his spear next to hers. Chuchi declares the Pantorans will leave Orto Plutonia under the stewardship of the Talz and recognize their sovereignty. Thi-Sen bows before the young Senator and he and his soldiers march away.
Obi-Wan compliments the Senator for the path she has chosen, but tasks her with one more duty: make the peace last.
Trespass Episode Gallery
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