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To Catch a Jedi Episode Gallery
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Ahsoka Tano on the run! After an attack on the Jedi Temple, Anakin Skywalker's young Padawan found herself accused of murdering the person responsible for the bombings. With no choice but to run, she was chased by her Master, who begged her to turn herself in. Knowing there is little hope of being cleared of the crimes, Ahsoka decided to find out the truth and prove her innocence -- on her own.
A storm brews over the Jedi Temple, as well as within the council chamber as Admiral Tarkin holographically addresses the Jedi Council. He has concluded that Ahsoka Tano is responsible for the murder of three clone troopers in the Republic military base, and must be captured. Anakin doesn't believe Ahsoka is guilty.
Yoda orders two teams be sent to track down the fugitive Padawan -- clones led by Anakin Skywalker and Plo Koon. Mace Windu is wary of sending Anakin on this assignment, since Skywalker is too emotionally connected to Ahsoka.
Thousands of levels below the Coruscant surface, local police forces distribute a warrant for Ahsoka's arrest. She clings to the shadows, avoiding their scrutiny, paying a Gotal drunk for his cloak to provide a makeshift disguise. Ahsoka uses her comlink to ask Barriss Offee for help. Barriss advises Ahsoka that it is not safe to contact her with Jedi communicator. Barriss promises to help her friend from above.
Disguised in the ratty cloak, Ahsoka boards a passenger train. A pair of underworld cops makes its way through the passenger car, checking IDs. Ahsoka tries to debark at the next stop, but runs smack into three more cops who recognize her from the warrant.
She Force-bowls them over and bolts, pursued on foot through the train by the cops. Though they nearly nab her, she kicks her way free and leaps from the moving train onto a passenger platform.
More cops spot her and she runs to a nearby turbolift. Some near-misses fired by the cops disable the controls, and the turbolift car starts plummeting at great speed. Ahsoka realizes there's a Twi'lek child trapped with her inside the car, and he is starting to panic.
Ahsoka uses her lightsaber to cut a hole in the roof, but the boy has sense enough to push the emergency stop button. Ahsoka sheepishly admits she hasn't been on her game, before cutting open the turbolift door. She leaps to the next level with the boy, and returns him to his concerned guardian.
Ahsoka leaves the train station, continuing on foot through a seedy area of the undercity. She is spotted by a shadowy figure with a wraparound helmet that stalks her with great interest.
Two Republic police gunships streak from the city surface into an enormous underworld portal. One gunship carries Plo Koon, Commander Wolffe, and a team of Coruscant Guard clones; the other carries Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex, and 501st troopers. This search party has received word that Ahsoka was spotted heading to Level 1312.
Within an abandoned, vermin-infested building in the lower levels, Ahsoka is attacked and pinned by the helmeted hunter: the twin red-bladed lightsabers identify the masked assailant as Asajj Ventress.
It's with some amusement that Ventress realizes she is going to collect the bounty on her longtime Padawan foe. Asajj takes Ahsoka's remaining lightsaber. The trapped Jedi accuses Ventress of being behind the whole plot and framing Ahsoka, but Ventress expresses bewilderment at such a claim.
Asajj marches Ahsoka up to terminal 24 at the landing deck of Level 1313. Ahsoka tries to reason with Asajj: A known Separatist war criminal can't exactly just waltz up to the Jedi Temple and hand over a bounty. Asajj intends to hand over Ahsoka to a bondsman intermediary. Ahsoka is getting desperate.
She tries to hatch a bargain by appealing to a tragic commonality shared by Ahsoka and Ventress: Both have been abandoned by their Order, since Count Dooku betrayed Ventress and Ahsoka has been presumed guilty by the Jedi.
This catches Ventress' attention. Ahsoka explains that a rogue Jedi has betrayed the Order and carried out the bombing. If she can prove her innocence, Ahsoka will petition the Senate and the Council for a full pardon for Ventress.
Such bargaining is cut short with Anakin's police gunship hovers towards terminal 24. Searchlights frame Ahsoka and Ventress. Anakin cannot believe what he sees. He leaps to from the gunship to the platform as Ahsoka and Ventress scurry into the shadows. Asajj erects a ray-shield at the terminal gate, stalling Anakin's pursuit. He orders a clutch of probe droids to follow.
Asajj leads Ahsoka even further down, to Level 1312, even more decrepit than the last. They stop at a public communicator box. Ahsoka hot-wires the terminal so she can talk undetected, and contacts Barriss. Barriss offers good news: she may have found a clue to this conspiracy three levels up in an abandoned warehouse. She has traced Letta's path to an abandoned munitions warehouse.
A probe droid spots Ahsoka making the call and alerts Clone Commander Wolffe and the Coruscant Guard troops. As Asajj plans to get Ahsoka to the munitions warehouse, the two women are suddenly surrounded by Wolffe and a dozen troopers. Ahsoka raises her hands and tries to order the clones to back down.
Asajj ignites her lightsaber and swings her blades towards the troopers. Her strikes are to disarm, though, and not to kill. Ashoka joins the fight, brawling her way past the guardsmen. Ventress knocks Wolffe into a pillar. The two fugitives escape intact, leaving behind some groggy clones. Wolffe radios General Plo Koon that Ahsoka has escaped with Ventress' help.
Ahsoka and Ventress approach the dilapidated warehouse on Level 1315. Ventress considers her end of the bargain fulfilled and returns Ahsoka's lightsaber to her, leaving the Padawan to continue her hunt for answers. As Ventress walks down a darkened alley, her attention is drawn as she senses someone behind her.
She assumes it is Ahsoka, and is caught unprepared as she is suddenly knocked over by a thrown barrel. A hooded, cloaked figure emerges from the shadows and slams a heavy pipe onto Asajj's head. Ventress collapses. The figure removes the former assassin's lightsabers, and picks up Ventress' fallen helmet.
Ahsoka searches the warehouse for any clues when she is suddenly attacked by a cloaked figure. The assailant carries Ventress' lightsaber and wears her bounty hunting helmet. Ahsoka understandably assumes her attacker is Ventress. She defends herself with her single lightsaber, but the attacker is relentless.
She uses the Force to throw debris at the Padawan, and nearly blinds her with a ruptured steam pipe. The lightsaber fight starts a fire that ignites some volatile barrels. The explosion draws the attention of the underworld police. They report the suspicious activity, and Rex intercepts the call.
The dark warrior sends a weary Ahsoka crashing through the ceiling of a storage room. She collapses in a heap atop crates of nano-droid explosives. Ahsoka realizes she is lying amid damning evidence just as Commander Wolffe arrives and knocks her unconscious with a stun blast. Anakin and Rex arrive, shocked at the sight of their friend.
Plo Koon and Anakin collect Ahsoka to return to the Temple. Anakin holds out hope that there is an unseen explanation to these strange events -- after all, he cannot account for Asajj's involvement.
To Catch a Jedi Episode Gallery
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