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Ahsoka travels to Mandalore at the request of Senator Amidala for an undercover assignment. She will be teaching at the Royal Academy of Government. Anakin Skywalker tells her that Yoda thinks only a young Padawan like Ahsoka will be able to get through to the students.
Anakin and Ahsoka are met at the landing platform by Duchess Satine and Prime Minister Almec, as well as the cadets Korkie, Amis and Lagos. Almec tells Ahsoka that due to the recent troubles with the Death Watch during Obi-Wan Kenobi's visit to Mandalore, no one is allowed to carry weapons. She gives Anakin her lightsaber for safekeeping.
Ahsoka teaches the cadets, including Korkie, Amis and Lagos, about the power of widespread corruption and how it's up to the citizens to watch their leaders closely to keep them honest and hold them accountable for their actions. Citizens should do their bit by exposing corrupt officials.
Korkie, Amis, Lagos, and fellow cadet Soniee discuss what they learned from Ahsoka's lesson. The Academy is out of food rations due to low supplies, but Korkie thinks something is suspicious, and wants to find out if there truly are food shortages.
Korkie, Amis, Lagos, and Soniee snoop around a warehouse where they overhear voices. While hiding, they witness a covert gathering of some off-worlders, unmarked Mandalorian police and a mysterious figure wearing a hooded cloak. The cadets make a hologram recording of the meeting, but in their rush to escape detection, Soniee leaves behind her datapad computer.
Korkie tells the cadets they should tell his aunt Satine about their investigation. When they reveal their unsettling discoveries to Satine the next day, she is worried that the corruption the cadets stumbled upon might be more than they can handle. She promises them she'll look into it, but the cadets aren't satisfied with her condescending response.
The cadets decide to turn to Prime Minister Almec next for help. He tells the cadets to meet him at the Palace Plaza that night and bring the recording of the black market deal with them.
Later in class, the young cadets tell Ahsoka of their evenining and how they followed her teachings about battling corruption. Ahsoka is concerned the cadets illegally broke into a warehouse. She tells them to go slow and examine all the facts before acting. The cadets are even more disheartened by Ahsoka's reaction.
The cadets go to the Palace Plaza to meet Prime Minister Almec, but are met by the secret service who try to arrest them for treason, corruption and conspiracy. Korkie realizes they are the same guards from the warehouse. As they fight the guards, Ahsoka comes to their aid.
Ahsoka tells the cadets that it looks as though Prime Minister Almec set them up. Korkie can't believe it. The cadets show Ahsoka the recording they took of the meeting. Ahsoka has the hologram analyzed and it's revealed that Almec is the mysterious cloaked character.
Ahsoka and the cadets rush off to warn Satine. They arrive too late. Her bodyguards are dead, and Satine is missing. Ahsoka pretends to have captured the cadets and brings them to Almec, who has them arrested. Ahsoka suggests arresting Satine as well. Almec admits to already having her in custody.
Ahsoka finds the imprisoned cadets and pretends to interrogate them. She tells them that she has a plan to get them all out of prison. Ahsoka uses a Jedi Mind Trick to convince the guard to take her to Duchess Satine -- but she's walking into a trap. Almec knew she would try something and blasts her with a stun beam.
Almec tries to force Satine to sign a false confession of corruption. She refuses and accuses Almec of using his office to accumulate wealth and power. He laughs at her and says he created the black market to use the profits for buying humanitarian supplies for Mandalore, like a tax. He proceeds to torture Satine with a shock collar.
Almec has the guards bring him the cadets. Ahsoka breaks free from the guards which prompts the cadets to fight back. Ahsoka places the shock collar on Almec, forcing him to order the guards to stand down. Almec and his men are arrested and taken away.
Satine thanks Ahsoka, saying that she knew she could trust a Jedi to help her solve the mystery. Anakin greets his apprentice and scolds her for breaking the rules. She reminds him she did exactly what he would have.
The Academy Episode Gallery
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