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In the Abregado system, Plo Koon's force of three Republic attack cruisers close in on a mysterious enemy vessel. Aboard the Triumphant, Plo Koon orders his first officer, Commander Wolffe, to contact Coruscant and relay their position prior to attack.
Master Plo makes contact with Anakin Skywalker's fleet stationed in the nearby Bith system, and warmly greets Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka is eager to help Master Plo track down General Grievous' secret weapon, but that is not their current assignment.
The weapon is a massive ion cannon mounted on a giant warship, Malevolence. The Separatist ship blasts the Republic cruisers with a disruptive jolt of ion energy that knocks out their power systems. Defenseless, Plo Koon's warships are cut to pieces by the Malevolence's lasers. Several crew members escape in life pods.
Plo Koon, Commander Wolffe and troopers Sinker and Boost are stranded in an escape pod with limited air supply. The clones begin to fret that there is no hope -- who would search the debris field for lowly clones -- but Plo Koon refuses to give up on his troops.
Anakin agrees with Ahsoka that they should look for Plo, and takes the Twilight to search the Abregado debris field.
General Grievous wants no witnesses. He wants to keep his weapon a secret. He dispatches rocket battle droids in pod-hunter craft to destroy any survivors in the wreckage.
Plo Koon, able to withstand outer space unprotected for a short time, ventures outside the pod. Together with Sinker and Boost, he destroys the pod-hunter.
Ahsoka uses the Force and feels the presence of Plo Koon. Master Plo is one of Ahsoka's oldest friends -- he's the Jedi Master who brought Ahsoka to the Jedi Temple. The Twilight rescues Master Plo, Sinker, Boost and Wolffe.
The Malevolence returns to finish off any survivors and detects the Twilight. The small battered freighter outruns the massive enemy vessel before an explosive blast from the Malevolence's ion cannon can hit it. Grievous' secret weapon is exposed.
Rising Malevolence Episode Gallery
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