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R2 Come Home Trivia Gallery
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This episode shows a rare example of a point-of-view shot of a droid character. When R2-D2 is tangling with the gundarks, one shot is directly from his P.O.V. with his manipulators extended. Later, when he spots the bounty hunter speeder bikes approaching, we see that Artoo's vision mimics the view of a macrobinocular.
During the Jedi Temple briefing, Plo Koon makes mention of the Hydian Way, which is a hyperspace trade route first established in the Expanded Universe.
Amid the wreckage of the Endurance are pieces of Republic gunships and AT-TE walkers. Anakin and Mace Windu lie prone in one of the crew pits of the Star Destroyer bridge.
This episode marks the return of Plo Koon's clone troopers -- the wolfpack -- as well as the gunship decorated with nose-art that says "Plo's Bros".
The speeder bikes that the bounty hunters use have Aurebesh lettering on the saddle that reads "Let's go already."
R2 Come Home Trivia Gallery
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