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A mysterious message containing a 2000-year old Jedi distress code has been sent to the Jedi Temple from far beyond the Outer Rim. Aboard a shuttle, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka investigate the source of the transmission, where they are supposed to rendezvous with Captain Rex and a Jedi cruiser. Both the shuttle and cruiser have reached the rendezvous point, but neither can locate the other on their scanners.
Anakin's attempt to communicate with Rex starts to break up, and Ahsoka reports something is blocking the signal. The shuttle's power systems momentarily shut down and resume, just as a massive dark form appears in the space outside the shuttle.
The shuttle is drawn toward the form, and the cockpit is filled with an intense light. The three Jedi pass out, awakening sometime later to find the shuttle safely landed on a planet's surface. Anakin reports the ship's systems unaffected but mysteriously nonoperational.
After the Jedi disembark and visually scan their surroundings, Anakin hears a woman's voice asking if he's "the One." He and the others turn to discover the Daughter, who repeats her question, this time for all to hear. Confused, Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan follow the woman to someone she claims will have answers to their questions.
As they follow the Daughter, the three notice the seasons changing with the time of day, and a strong presence of the Force. They learn from the Daughter that they are going to see the Father, and that these beings "are the ones that guard the power." Just then, a landslide forces Obi-Wan and Ahsoka apart from Anakin and the Daughter. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka return to the ship as Anakin continues following the Daughter.
Nightfall approaches with a storm. Returning to the landing site, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka discover their ship has vanished. The environment begins to wither with the darkness. Suddenly, the Son appears, asking if Anakin is indeed the Chosen One -- a question which immediately prompts both Jedi into defensive positions. Obi-Wan surmises the Son is a Sith -- "Yes, and no," the being responds, after extinguishing both Jedi lightsabers with a wave of his hand.
The Son suggests the two find shelter from the storm, which he warns can be quite lethal. The Son transforms into a gargoyle and flies away. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka race away from deadly bolts of lightning into the safety of a cave.
Likewise, Anakin dodges lightning bolts as he spies a monastery in the distance. Inside, he finds the Father meditating and instinctively sits before him. Asking the Father what he wants of him, Anakin learns the Father seeks the truth of who Anakin really is -- a truth, he claims, that Anakin must believe if he is to fulfill his destiny. The Father insists Anakin wait out the storm as his guest.
In the cave, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka have found shelter. As Ahsoka fades into sleep, Obi-Wan is visited by a vision of Qui-Gon Jinn. The Jedi Master defines the place they are in as "a conduit through which the entire Force of the universe flows," being "both an amplifier and a magnet." Qui-Gon further warns that with Anakin's power, this is a very dangerous place for him to be. And with those words, Qui-Gon disappears.
At the monastery, Anakin is awakened by a vision of his mother, Shmi. She claims that all Anakin has done and learned has led him to Mortis. He regrets not being able to save her, and that he has failed her. He further struggles with the vengeful feelings he felt in slaughtering her abductors.
Anakin fears that if he fully lets go to the dark side, he will lose the love he feels for his wife, Padmé. This statement prompts the vision of Shmi to transform into a gargoyle, who calls Padmé "the poisoner." Anakin asks who the gargoyle is, to which he responds, "Your fate."
In the cave, Ahsoka is visited by a vision of her future self. An older Ahsoka warns that seeds of the dark side have been planted in her by her Master, Anakin. The vision cautions that Ahsoka may never see her future if she remains his student, and that she must leave Mortis.
Anakin confronts the Father, accusing him of being a Sith Lord. The Father responds that he is neither Sith, nor Jedi, but a Force-wielder. He explains that he and his children can manipulate the Force like no other, which made it necessary for them to withdraw from the temporal world. He proposes a test to determine if Anakin is truly the Chosen One, after which he and his friends can leave.
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka make their way over the landscape as dawn arrives, which brings life back to the trees and plants. Suddenly, a gargoyle and griffin swoop down from the sky and take both Jedi to the monastery, where Anakin and the Father await.
The Father explains that either Obi-Wan or Ahsoka will be killed, and that Anakin must choose which one to save. Anakin summons the Force to break the beasts' hold on Obi-Wan and Ahsoka. He then forces the two winged creatures to the ground, which returns them to their humanoid forms. The Father declares only the Chosen One could tame both his children.
The Father sends his children and the Jedi away. He tells Anakin he must replace him on Mortis to keep his children in balance. Anakin refuses. The Father suggests he cannot force Anakin to stay, but if he leaves, his selfishness will haunt him... and the galaxy.
With some hesitation, Anakin boards the shuttle with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka. The shuttle lifts off and flies away from the monastery.
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