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Republic AT-TE walkers, led by Mace Windu, make their way to Ryloth's capital city of Lessu along the lip of a plummeting canyon. On the other side of the chasm, Separatist AAT tanks lob cannon-fire at the exposed walkers. With well-placed blaster fire and thermal detonators, swift AT-RT-riding clones successfully take out the AATs.
As Windu and Clone Commander Ponds assess their losses, a recon droid transmits their conversation back to the Separatist command center at Lessu where Wat Tambor and tactical droid TA-175 listen in. TA-175 advises retreat, but Tambor won't have it. He will bunker within the city, drawing in his forces.
Windu and his squad of AT-RTs go out in search of Chan Syndulla, leader of the Twi'lek resistance, for help. Coming upon the blasted remains of battle droids -- victims of a freedom fighter attack -- Mace and clones Razor and Stak are surprised by Syndulla and his resistance fighters, who hold the trio at gunpoint.
Syndulla has his fighters lead Mace, Stak and Razor to their hideout -- an underground lair hidden beneath the wreckage of a Separatist landing craft. Syndulla accuses the Republic of failing to send aid to Ryloth during the Separatist invasion. His people were forced to surrender and were rounded up for extermination by droid forces.
Meanwhile, the Republic AT-TEs press forward under Commander Ponds' command. Passing a peaceful Twi'lek village inhabited mostly by women and children, Ponds is stunned by a sudden attack of Separatist hyena bombers that flattens the village. Ponds reports the devastation to General Windu.
In the rebel hideout, news of the droid firebombing hits the Twi'lek fighters hard. Syndulla does not fully trust the Republic -- especially Twi'lek senator Orn Free Taa -- but knows time is running out. He agrees to speak with Taa.
Back at Lessu, droids and Twi'lek slaves load Wat Tambor's shuttle full of stolen riches from Ryloth. Going against Dooku's orders, Tambor means to wait for more of the planet's plunder to be brought to him before leaving the city. Dooku plans to bomb the city from afar as Windu's forces infiltrate its defenses.
Contacting Senator Orn Free Taa by hologram, Syndulla and Mace come to an agreement: Ryloth will remain free of a Republic presence after its liberation in exchange for Syndulla's refusal to seek political power. With a deal now in place, Syndulla agrees to join Mace Windu against the Separatists.
The Twi'lek freedom fighters -- mounted on swift and nimble blurggs -- have merged with Mace's mechanized clone forces. Lessu is protected by steep canyons on all sides. A plasma bridge -- which can be deactivated within the city -- is the only means of entering. Getting control of the bridge is key.
Separatist tanks haul treasure up the winding road to the city. Mace, Stak and Razor sneak up on the second of the two transports. Mace takes out an escort and cuts his way into the transport with his lightsaber.
The battle droids activate the plasma bridge as the two transports make their way across the chasm. When droids scan an anomaly aboard the second transport, the hatch opens and Mace and his troops charge.
The battle droids begin powering down the bridge. Mace uses the Force to carry Stak and Razor safely to the other side, but he's caught in the middle. The bridge dissipates, and the transports fall into the canyon. In a superhuman feat of agility, Mace bounds off their plummeting hulls and uses the Force to leap atop a nearby STAP, using it to propel himself onto the city-side of the crevasse.
Battle droids spill out of the citadel. Mace holds them off while Stak and Razor run inside to reactivate the bridge. Cham orders the charge, and Republic and Twi'lek soldiers race across the battlefield to the city, trusting the bridge will appear in time.
Stak and Razor blast their way into the bridge control room and turn the bridge back on just as Cham and Ponds' charging forces arrive, allowing them to enter the city.
TA-175 no longer waits for Tambor and leaves aboard his shuttle without him. The droid reports Tambor's failure to Dooku, who orders the hyena bombers to destroy Lessu immediately.
Mace cuts his way into the courtyard and holds Wat Tambor captive at lightsaber-point. Rather than surrender, Wat Tambor resolves to perish in the incoming bombardment. Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano suddenly arrive in their starfighters and destroy the approaching hyena droids.
Cham arrives in the courtyard with his forces, and demands Wat Tambor's unconditional surrender. With no options, the Separatist leader concedes. Ryloth is free.
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