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A planet of peace! The artisan colony of the planet Kiros created a society without weapons. Instead of war, they pursued art and beauty. But in the Clone Wars even peace-loving worlds are seemingly forced to change sides.
Separatist forces arrive on Kiros to pressure Governor Roshti and his colony of Togruta into siding with the Confederacy. Though Roshti wishes to remain neutral in the war, Dooku offers his "protection," and leaves little room for negotiation. He insists on giving the Togruta people sanctuary, and his right-hand man Darts D'Nar ominously orders the citizens rounded up.
Ten rotations later, Republic ships reach Kiros to find it disturbingly quiet. The best Ahsoka, Anakin and Obi-Wan can hope for is that the colonists are hiding. Clone Captain Rex is doubtful -- the Separatists have not shied away from using civilian hostages in the past. The Jedi and their clone troopers scout the vacant cities in BARC speeder patrols.
As the Jedi approach the governor's tower, commando droids riding speeder bikes attack. The Jedi cut their way through the Separatists, speeding towards enemy tank fortifications surrounding the tower. Rex blasts one AAT tank with a missile launcher, while Ahsoka destroys another with a well-tossed grenade. The Republic clone troopers secure the area.
Obi-Wan's clone troopers surround the governor's tower. Commander Cody reports that the Separatist leader has barricaded himself inside, and has sent a holographic invitation to Kenobi offering to negotiate surrender. When Anakin sees the hologram of Darts D'Nar, his temper boils over. Skywalker recognizes D'Nar as a Zygerrian slaver.
Ahsoka is surprised by Anakin's anger. Since Skywalker keeps his past hidden, she knows little of his history. Obi-Wan quietly explains to her Anakin's childhood as a slave. Ahsoka promises Kenobi that she will keep an eye on her Master while they search for the colonists. Obi-Wan enters the tower to meet with D'Nar.
Inside the governor's office, Obi-Wan confronts Darts D'Nar, who has no intention of surrendering. Rather, he expects Kenobi's surrender! Darts reveals that he has planted bombs all throughout the city, and will proceed to detonate them unless the Republic surrenders.
To prove his intent, D'Nar explodes one of the bombs, injuring many clone troopers. Anakin and Ahsoka leap onto AT-RT walkers and immediately set to work locating the bombs with R2-D2's remote help.
Obi-Wan Kenobi surrenders. Darts delights in this. He hates Jedi, for many years ago, they dismantled the great Zygerrian Slave Empire. Aware of D'Nar's hunger for vengeance, Obi-Wan offers to settle their differences in the old Zygerrian tradition: hand-to-hand combat. Should Obi-Wan win, D'Nar would reveal the location of the bombs. Should D'Nar win, he will deliver the defeated Kenobi to Dooku.
Artoo transmits the coordinates to the first bomb: a capital city square. Anakin and Ahsoka cut down several battle droid guards before Skywalker defuses the bomb with a well-placed lightsaber swipe.
D'Nar pummels Obi-Wan, throwing him about the governor's office. Though Obi-Wan can't seem to get the upper hand, he stays in the fight.
Ahsoka and Anakin find the last pair of bombs in a central plaza. Despite blaster-fire from sniper droids, they outmaneuver the droids and disarm the explosives.
Darts drags Obi-Wan's weakened form across the floor. The Zygerrian's gloating is interrupted by a report from a battle droid that all the explosives in the city have been disabled. Obi-Wan has been stalling. Knowing the threat of the bombs has been neutralized, Obi-Wan reclaims his weapon, and demands D'Nar's surrender.
D'Nar does not give up so easily. He triggers a reserve explosive -- one attached to his faithful tactical droid -- as a diversion. As Obi-Wan Force-pushes the doomed droid out of the office's window, D'Nar makes his escape. Obi-Wan signals Anakin to give chase.
D'Nar boards his starship, the Tecora, and blasts off from the governor's tower landing platform. Anakin and Ahsoka use their AT-RTs to leap onto the ship. Anakin disables one of the ship's thrusters with his lightsaber.
In an attempt to eliminate his Jedi stowaways, D'Nar opens the ship's cargo hold and unleashes a ravenous, tentacled blixus creature. Anakin tries to hold off the thrashing creature while Ahsoka ventures to the ship's bridge. Anakin slays the beasts, causing the dying beast to plummet into the Kiros countryside.
D'Nar uses his electro-whip to battle with Ahsoka, but the young Padawan overpowers him. Anakin demands to know the colonists' whereabouts. Ahsoka is taken aback by Anakin's intensity. D'Nar reveals his queen is holding a slave auction of the captured colonists on Zygerria.
A thorough scan of Kiros reveals that no colonists remain on Kiros. The entire population -- 50,000 strong -- has vanished. The Jedi Council is troubled by this news. Yoda senses the return of the Zygerrian Slave Empire may herald a Sith plot.
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