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At the shuttle, Ahsoka reports her appraisal of the ship's condition to Anakin and Obi-Wan -- she thinks she can fix it, but isn't sure it can escape the planet's atmosphere. Anakin deploys a speeder from the shuttle to go see the Father -- he feels compelled to get the Father's blessing to leave.
In the Daughter's crypt, the Father lays the Mortis Dagger on her body. As Anakin approaches him, he warns the Jedi that he must leave Mortis or risk the Son taking the shuttle to escape the planet. The Father concedes that he will have to kill his Son in order to maintain balance in the Force. Anakin offers to help, but is sent forth by the Father to seek counsel with the Force.
Anakin encounters a vision of Qui-Gon Jinn, who says he believes Anakin is the Chosen One who will bring balance to the Force. Qui-Gon directs Anakin to go to a place nearby that is strong in the dark side of the Force, a place where he will confront the Son. Anakin asks if he is to kill him -- Qui-Gon can only instruct Anakin to remember his training and trust his instincts.
Back at the shuttle, Obi-Wan orders Ahsoka to disengage the firing drives -- a request that confuses Ahsoka, as she had just finished putting the shuttle back together. Obi-Wan insists, though, and exits the shuttle with a jump speeder. Outside, he finds the Father waiting, who tells Obi-Wan that Anakin has gone to the Well of the Dark Side.
On his speeder, Anakin descends to the bottom a deep lava-filled chasm, where the Son awaits. The Son suggests they need not be enemies, but Anakin will not have it -- he is there to stop him. The Son responds by forcing Anakin to confront his future -- a vision that reveals specters of Darth Sidious, Padmé, Obi-Wan, Alderaan, and finally, Darth Vader!
The Son promises that Anakin's future need not be what he saw in his vision, that if he joins the Son, they might destroy the Emperor and establish peace throughout the galaxy.
Obi-Wan arrives at the Well of the Dark Side. Finding Anakin, Obi-Wan discovers he has fallen under the Son's influence. Anakin pushes Obi-Wan's speeder into the lava and speeds away on the other, telling Obi-Wan that he has seen the truth -- that it is the Jedi who will stand in the way of peace. The Son transforms into a gargoyle and follows Anakin out of the well.
Obi-Wan contacts Ahsoka, ordering her to disable the shuttle and not to engage Anakin. Just then, Anakin arrives at the shuttle -- but Ahsoka slips past him and steals his speeder. She finds Obi-Wan scaling the side of the well and picks him up, reporting she has disabled the shuttle.
At the shuttle, Anakin tells the Son that the ship and transmitter are nonoperational. After the Son leaves, the Father reveals himself to Anakin, asking what he has seen. Anakin says he has seen his future, and the pain he will cause. The Father claims that if there is to be balance, Anakin must forget what he has seen. The Father removes the memory from Anakin's thoughts, leaving him unconscious.
At the Daughter's crypt, the Son unseals the grave to retrieve the Mortis Dagger. Feeling her cold skin, he considers the irony that his sister was the only one he truly loved.
Anakin awakens -- now free of the Son's influence -- at the Father's monastery. He has no memory of his vision of the future. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka arrive just before the Son, who is determined to leave Mortis. The Father pleads with him to stay, warning of the consequences to the universe should he leave. The Son refuses, and disarms the three Jedi of their lightsabers.
The Father, seeing no alternative, plucks the Dagger from the Son's belt and impales himself, much to the Son's surprise -- and dismay. Without the Father, the Son is powerless. As the Father embraces the Son to tell him he always felt there was good in him, he signals Anakin to run the Son through with his lightsaber.
Feeling betrayed by the Father, the Son dies. As the Father struggles for breath, he tells Anakin he has restored balance to the Force in this world, and that he must stay on his destiny's path to restore it to the galaxy. His final warning to Anakin: "Beware your heart." As the Father's body becomes one with the Force, the bright crystal atop the monastery shatters, filling the air with an intense white light.
Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, consumed by the light's brilliance, find themselves in the cockpit of their shuttle on approach to their original rendezvous point. A transmission from Captain Rex breaks in, telling Anakin the shuttle had been off their scopes for a moment. Puzzled by this revelation, Anakin steers the shuttle toward the nearby Republic cruiser.
Ghosts of Mortis Episode Gallery
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