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Fugitives on the run! Disguised as the Jedi killer Rako Hardeen, Obi-Wan Kenobi works undercover to solve a Separatist plot against Chancellor Palpatine. Obi-Wan meets the plot's mastermind, Moralo Eval, breaking him out of jail to gain his trust. But now Kenobi faces another obstacle: bounty hunter Cad Bane. Can Obi-Wan Kenobi overcome Bane's suspicions? Or will the ruthless criminal see through his disguise and expose the Jedi? Only time will tell....
The fugitives' captured vessel plunges through the thick atmosphere of Nal Hutta at a steep angle. Rako (that is, Obi-Wan) plans to intentionally crash the ship into the swamps to help hide their trail. Bane is incredulous at Rako's reckless plan, but Moralo is impressed with Hardeen's nerve. The ship slams into the choking bogs, and the criminals emerge shaken but intact.
The jailbirds now need a new ship. Rako suggests walking to the Bilbousa Bazaar to buy a new one, but Cad says they'll first require new outfits -- the prison fatigues won't get them far. They also need gear and weapons, so Bane leads them to Pablo's pawnshop. There, the fugitive trio picks up armor and equipment -- including a new hat for Bane.
Pablo doesn't have the quality weapons that Bane is looking for, so the bounty hunter leaves without paying -- after threatening Pablo's life if he reveals he's seen Bane. Obi-Wan, disgusted with Bane's arrogance, pays the merchant, and warns Bane to keep a low profile. Bane suggests that the trio split up: Rako will get a ship, while Moralo and Bane get weapons. Bane secretly wants to ditch Hardeen as a way of throwing off pursuit.
Obi-Wan negotiates with a canny Bith starship merchant to purchase a junker freighter. While inspecting the vessel, the undercover Jedi secretly places a tracking device on the hull. Moralo and Bane show up to pay for the ship. Bane tells Hardeen that their partnership is over, and gives Rako a face-full of knock out gas from his gauntlet. Several Gamorrean and Nikto guards, summoned by Pablo, collect Rako's fallen form.
Obi-Wan comes to in a security office, where a brutal Nikto guard looms over his shackled, inverted body. The Nikto demands to know the whereabouts of Rako's accomplices, or face torture. Kenobi offers up the frequency to the tracking device planted on the junker ship.
Aboard the junker, Eval contacts Count Dooku to arrange a rendezvous on Serenno. Bane is growing impatient -- he wants his money. Eval stalls -- having to pay for the ship and the weapons has left him short on funds, but he promises Bane his credits upon arrival at Dooku's home world. The ship shudders as Hutt Starhoppers blast at it. Bane realizes that Hardeen has double-crossed him right back. Bane and Eval must return to the surface.
Slipping from his restraints, Obi-Wan overpowers his guards and escapes confinement. He secretly communicates with the Jedi Council, updating them on his mission. Kenobi asks the Council to remove the bounty on the fugitives, and forward enough credits so Obi-Wan can buy a new ship. He also warns Mace and Yoda not to contact him under any circumstances as he continues to worm his way into Eval's trust.
Chancellor Palpatine is surprised by Mace Windu's request to remove the bounty, but the Jedi Master explains that if the fugitives are free to move, they may reveal the nature of their plot. Palpatine does not like the secrecy the Jedi are exhibiting, and neither does Anakin. Skywalker feels helpless that he can't do anything to stop Rako Hardeen, the man who killed his best friend.
How it must pain Palpatine to see his good friend Anakin consumed by grief and thoughts of vengeance! The good chancellor passes on rumors "from reliable sources" that the fugitives were last heading towards Nal Hutta. "You cannot deny your feelings, Anakin," says Palpatine. "They are what make you special. If you believe you can stop this plot against me... I trust you."
Back at a saloon at the Bilbousa Bazaar, Obi-Wan waits smugly as Bane and Eval return. Bane is livid, but Kenobi coolly explains that he's got a ship, purchased by calling in a favor from the Hutts. Kenobi wants to be made a full partner in Eval's conspiracy. Eval, growing weary of Nal Hutta, agrees.
As the fugitives depart Nal Hutta, a Jedi shuttle arrives. Anakin and Ahsoka are unaware that they're merely one step behind their quarry. The Jedi enter the saloon and an intense Anakin uses the Force to threaten the bartender, choking him and demanding answers. The bartender says the fugitives just left on a newly purchased ship, information he overheard.
Obi-Wan's newly purchased ship must set down at a filling station on nearby Orondia. It's a classic ship merchant's swindle -- the Bith at Nal Hutta only filled the ship with enough fuel to get to his brother's station. Anakin questions the merchant, and learns of this scam. The Jedi shuttle arrives at Orondia just as the fugitive ship is leaving, but Ahsoka spots and identifies Cad Bane. "Who else wears a hat like that?"
Anakin chases the fugitive ship across the barren surface of Orondia, weaving through abandoned mining sites and massive pipelines. Eager to stop Hardeen, Anakin hands over the controls to Ahsoka and impetuously leaps from one vessel to the other. He ignites his lightsaber, and begins slicing away at the fugitive ship's engine pods.
Cad Bane emerges from the ship, flying alongside it with his rocket boots. He fires at Anakin, distracting the Jedi. Hardeen tries to shake Anakin from the hull with some twisting maneuvers over the Orondian landscape. Ahsoka keeps up, but she misjudges the distances and slams into the fugitive ship. Both vessels come crashing down into the silt.
Concerned about Anakin, Obi-Wan debarks into the dust to find his friend. But he cannot blow his cover. So when Anakin leaps from the shadows and begins pummeling "Rako Hardeen," Obi-Wan fights back. Before Anakin can land a vengeful killing blow, Cad Bane interrupts the fight. He's been itching to kill a Jedi.
Hardeen denies Bane of his kill by tackling Anakin and brawling with him. Hardeen locks Anakin into a sleeper hold. As Anakin loses consciousness, Obi-Wan whispers to him, "Anakin, don't follow me." Bane is about to finish off the fallen Jedi when Ahsoka springs into action, defending her fallen Master.
The criminals flee aboard their starship, leaving the Jedi behind. As Anakin awakens, he cannot shake the impression that Obi-Wan is still alive. There is more going on here than the Jedi Council has disclosed.
Friends and Enemies Episode Gallery
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