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Children of the Force Episode Gallery
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The Separatist shuttle carrying Anakin, Ahsoka and the clone survivors sets down within the Resolute's hangar bay. Rex discovers drops of alien blood on the shuttle deck floor just as Ahsoka notices one of the clones -- Denal -- is injured. Checking on him, Ahsoka is attacked by the clone, who knocks the wind out of her with a knee blow to her midsection. Anakin immediately surmises that Bane killed Denal and took his place.
The imposter races to the row of parked fighters and quickly boards one. As he powers it up, Anakin leaps onto the fuselage and knocks the trooper helmet off, revealing Bane underneath. Bane shakes Skywalker off, speeding toward a hyperspace transport ring which launches the fighter into hyperspace.
On Coruscant, Anakin and Ahsoka report to the Jedi Council that Bane has been working with the Separatists, and that he has escaped. The holocron he stole contained a list of thousands of the most Force-sensitive children in the galaxy. Bane and his accomplices could now target the very future of the Jedi Order.
At his hidden base of operations inside Black Stall Station, Bane contacts Darth Sidious with word of his success. The Dark Lord has a new assignment: he needs Force-sensitive children as test subjects brought to Mustafar. He tasks Bane to choose four children from the list.
At the Jedi Temple, Mace Windu, Yoda, Obi-Wan and Anakin use the Force to seek out which children are in danger. They discover a child in Kay Tap square on Rodia, as well as a Gungan child in the southern village of Jan-gwa on Naboo. From these visions, the Jedi plot their destinations.
In Kay-Tap, a Rodian toddler levitates a ball with his mind. Bane, posing as a Jedi, has come to collect him from his mother. Bane shines a hypnogazer into the mother's eyes, making her comply with his demands. Obi-Wan soon arrives at the house, but he is too late -- Bane escapes with the child in his starfighter.
A gunship lands at Theed Royal Palace on Naboo. Anakin and Ahsoka emerge and are met by Captain Typho. The targeted Gungan family has been notified.
That evening, Bane's starfighter sets down by the city of Jan-gwa. Under cover of darkness, Bane slinks into the home of the targeted child and sees a Gungan mother tending to a cradle. When the mother leaves, Bane goes to raid the crib, but finds a blanket covering a tooka doll instead -- it was a trap!
Ahsoka springs from behind Bane, and after a brief tussle, Bane attempts to rocket away on his hover boots. Before Bane can get much lift, Anakin grabs him in mid-air, dragging him to the ground. He is captured and marched away by Anakin.
Bane is interrogated by Kenobi and Windu aboard the Resolute. Bane refuses to divulge the location of the missing Rodian and another child he'd already captured, or who his employer is. With Anakin's help, the three use their Force ability to probe Bane's mind. Though he desperately tries to resist, Bane finally breaks, agreeing to escort the Jedi to his hiding place.
Anakin returns to Coruscant to update Palpatine on the investigation while Obi-Wan, Mace, Commander Cody and Bane board a shuttle bound for the Outer Rim.
At the Chancellor's office on Coruscant, Anakin is greeted warmly by Palpatine. Palpatine seems impressed that a rogue operative could be so effective against the Jedi. Anakin suggests that someone more powerful must be behind Bane. Palpatine advises patience.
Later, on the fiery world of Mustafar, the Rodian child, as well as a Nautolan child, are cared for by a nanny droid. A hologram of Darth Sidious hovers over them. He plans to turn them into Force-talented spies trained in the dark side to peer into every corner of the galaxy from afar.
Meanwhile, the shuttle arrives at Bane's deep space outpost, Black Stall Station. The Jedi march Bane inside, though neither senses the presence of the children. Bane tells them the children are safe, and concentrates instead on the holocron. Spotting it, the Jedi step into a room which triggers a barrage of gunfire from hidden laser cannons. Taking advantage of the distraction, Bane disappears through a concealed hatch and rockets away in an escape pod.
In the hangar of the Resolute, Anakin and Ahsoka examine Bane's captured starship. Anakin uses an old Jedi trick used on smugglers -- measuring fuel consumption, known destinations, etc. -- to narrow which planets Bane could have visited. The volcanic ash on the fighter's hull seals it -- the children must be on Mustafar.
At Black Stall Station, Obi-Wan eludes the deadly lasers long enough to snatch the holocron. He and Mace scramble from the station as it suddenly detonates. The Jedi flee the exploding outpost aboard their shuttle.
The Twilight lands on the fiery world of Mustafar. Notified of the Jedi's arrival, the holographic Sidious orders the nanny droid to evacuate the children to his secondary facility and to have this outpost destroyed by shutting off the gravity supports and letting it sink into the lava.
Anakin, Ahsoka and Artoo explore the outpost, finding the empty bassinets. They spot the nanny droids trying to escape, but are able to rescue the children as the entire installation shakes apart. The Jedi rush back to the Twilight as the outpost is consumed by molten rock.
Back on Coruscant, Anakin and Ahsoka report back to the Jedi Temple. The Mustafar base was destroyed and Bane has escaped, leaving no way for the Jedi to follow up their investigation. The children are safe and the holocron was recovered, however, with no record of the Kyber crystal list being duplicated. Still, Yoda is concerned about the future of the Jedi.
Children of the Force Episode Gallery
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