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A darkness awakes! Count Dooku's bitter betrayal of his former apprentice Asajj Ventress resulted in the creation of a new menace in the galaxy: Savage Opress. Caught in a deadly game of revenge between Ventress and Dooku, Savage barely escaped the carnage. Beaten and alone, he returned to Mother Talzin, his creator, who gave him a new quest: to pursue his long-lost brother.
An angered Savage Opress tramples through a greasy spoon diner at the Stobar spaceport. Frustrated and wearied by his fruitless quest, a fuming Opress crashes into a back alley after terrorizing the diner's patrons. In a darkened loading area, Savage finds that the dust caked onto some nearby storage crates cause his talisman to glow.
Opress follows the dust to a docked junk hauler. He climbs aboard and forces the pilot to return to his point-of-origin, the trash world of Lotho Minor.
Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, looking for a bite to eat, arrive at Plop Dibble's, just as the chaos is brought under control. A grateful cook offers them a meal on the house. Anakin senses a disturbance in the Force... the return of something sinister.
As the junk hauler approaches Lotho Minor, Savage Opress callously tosses the pilot overboard. He lands the ship amid the trash fields and proceeds on foot. His amulet's glow suddenly winks out, and Savage roars in fury.
From the ever-present rubbish slithers Morley, a peculiar Anacondan who offers to guide Savage through the treacherous junk world. The serpentine being claims to have spotted a horned man much like Savage. With no other leads, Savage reluctantly follows the snake-like alien.
Morley leads Savage past several of Lotho Minor's threats -- like the massive fire-breather crane monsters, or the fiercely territorial Junkers. Opress slashes through the native scavengers, and then follows Morley to a shelter when acid rain begins to fall.
Inside the shelter, Morley springs a trap that drops Savage into a deep pit. Morley chuckles. He's lured another victim into his master's lair to be eaten. Morley relishes the thought of his master letting him feed on the leftovers.
In the dark tunnels beneath Lotho Minor's surface, Opress is stalked by a mysterious being with spindly, spider-like legs. It is too dark for Savage to make out his hunter, but his amulet begins to glow fiercely.
From the shadows, the spider strikes -- but this is no arachnid. The wild, animal-like creature is half-man, carried about by spider-like mechanical legs made of junk. Opress recognizes the face. It is his lost-long brother, Darth Maul.
Maul is clearly mad. Gaunt, starving and feral, Maul has been living in squalor and filth for over a decade, his mind as broken as his body. He has no idea of who he is, of what he once was. Savage tries to focus his brother's attention, but to little avail. When Savage asks who did this to Maul, however, the half-Sith becomes lucid. He knows he wants one thing: revenge against the Jedi.
On Coruscant, Yoda senses a deep disturbance in the Force. He warns Obi-Wan Kenobi: Darth Maul has returned.
Brothers Episode Gallery
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