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"Retrieval" Trivia Gallery | The Bad Batch
Fun facts and trivia from this episode!
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Omega plugs directly into a comms tower to find Gonky's signal, a reminder of the relative lack of wireless technology in the Star Wars galaxy.
This episode underwent more changes in the story reel phase than most in order to make the steps in the search for Gonky more clear. Originally, a bit more time was spent repairing the speeder.
Benni mentions that the Techno Union, one of the leading corporations in the Confederacy, used to run the mine on Ipsidon during the war.
Makko's droid mine guards have a similar body to the droids seen in Season 1's "Decommissioned," but with a new head design.
The cybernetically enhanced crime lord Makko is a newly created species. That species, however, remains undefined.
The Aurebesh on the ration bar Omega gives to Benni reads "FIELD RATION Z".
The Ipsidon desert skiff the Bad Batch attempt to salvage at the start of the episode is based on a pirate speeder bike design seen in Star Wars Resistance.
This episode has similar themes to a story arc in Andor where workers suffering under an oppressive regime are exploited and pitted against one another for the sake of productivity.
"Retrieval" Trivia Gallery | The Bad Batch
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