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"Retrieval" Story Gallery | The Bad Batch
Spoiler alert! This story gallery contains plot details from this episode.
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At the abandoned spaceport on Ipsidon, the Bad Batch work to repair a disabled skiff as they await a rescue from Cid. Although the ship's transponder has been disabled, a trace on Gonky's binary reference code reveals the location of the Marauder and the thief who took it.
Benni Baro arrives at Mokkotown, a decrepit hive run by the nefarious gang boss who named it for himself. Benni is eager to please the cybernetically-enhanced Mokko; a job well done means water rations and a coveted spot as the top earner. But the Marauder's special modifications could spell trouble. Mokko orders his minions to strip the vessel for parts, gifting Gonky to Benni as payment.
The abandoned skiff bucks the 100 kilometers to Mokko-Town with Omega, Wrecker, Hunter, and Tech clinging to the reclaimed craft. Once there, they quickly locate Gonky and the thief. Benni hops on his scooter to flee, but Wrecker knocks him off with one hand while Omega gets him in the sights of her energy bow, cutting off his final escape attempt.
Wrecker persuades Baro to show Clone Force 99 where he left their ship, despite the young man's assertions about the dangers of crossing Mokko. Dropping into the refinery through a billowing exhaust stack, the team repels into Mokkotown in between exhaust cycles.
Deep inside the mine, other young people like Benni are part of a large operation to harvest the raw ore under the watchful receptors of more droid guards. The working conditions are deplorable, but Benni defends the benefactor for keeping things running despite degradation, cutting wages while keeping the miners employed.
Benni and the Bad Batch sneak through the corridors to the garage level, where what's left of the Marauder is parked. Among other things, the hyperdrive has already been removed, but it's a simple repair to get the ship fully operational for an escape. More troubling is Mokko's ray shield...
Benni and Omega peel off from the group. Armed with Tech's datapad, they sneak into the mine's chow hall, where Mokko's workers spend their down time resting and playing games between shifts. Benni approaches Drake, Mokko's top earner, and deftly steals his key card for the control room in the main tower.
Mokko arrives and Benni and Omega pause to listen to the tally. Once again, Mokko names Drake as his top earner, rewarding the young man with his prize: a bowl of chow that he guzzles hungrily. The rest of the workers are made to share another bowl of the same size, jostling to dig their spoons into the grub, unaware that in Mokko's private quarters their leader has been dining on a feast.
Omega and Benni reach the control room and begin uploading the shield code. "It doesn't seem like he cares about any of you," Omega observes. But Benni defends his choices. "This is my home. It's what I know." Soon, Omega discovers evidence that Mokko has been lying to his crew. Benni believed the ipsium was degraded, but Mokko's profit reports tell a different story.
Suddenly, Mokko saunters in, his cybernetic arm whirring threateningly. Too late, Omega realizes that she's been double-crossed! Mokko and the guards take Omega captive, leaving Benni behind.
On the catwalk above the churning mine, Mokko shouts to his "uninvited guests" and are met by Tech and Wrecker, blasters drawn. "You think you can come here and steal from me?" Mokko roars. Their standoff ends when a droid guard pulls Omega into view on a precarious catwalk above. "Lower your weapons or she goes over," Mokko says.
Among gathered onlookers, Mokko proclaims a punishment for the trespassers: "Ten years in the mines." But Benni interrupts the spectacle to expose Omega's findings. "You've been cutting us out and keeping the profits for yourself!"
Drake examines the data for himself. Soon, the gathered miners have turned their attention and their ire toward Mokko instead of the Bad Batch, as his guards close in.
In desperation, Mokko orders the guard holding Omega, "Throw her over!" But Hunter is ready. He preps his repelling cable and Omega uses her weight to take the guard down with her. The droid plummets into the churning ore below while Omega reaches out and grabs for Hunter, breaking her freefall.
"No one's going to take what belongs to me!" Mokko yells, before ordering the guards flanking him to "take care of all of them." Two blaster shots ring out. Instead of the droids firing on the miners, Tech and Wrecker have eliminated the guards, and the mob closes in on Mokko.
Mokko tumbles over the railing during the scuffle. Benni tries to save his boss, but Mokko uses the act of kindness to clamp his cybernetic claw onto Benni's hand, trying to take both of them down. "You never should have crossed me, kid!" he bellows. Instead, Mokko's metal grip slips and he falls with a scream.
Later, the Bad Batch assemble back at their ship. The Marauder has been patched back together with some scavenged parts and Benni arrives to return a hoverlift full of the rest of their personal effects, including Lula.
With Mokko gone, Benni and the other miners equally share the profits from the mine, and the rations their former boss had been hoarding. But as Omega and the rest of Clone Force 99 leave, the newest member of the Bad Batch reflects on all they've witnessed. "The Empire's not the only threat," she tells Tech. "Unfortunately, yes," he replies. "However, there are many like us out there as well. And that is something."
"Retrieval" Story Gallery | The Bad Batch
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