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"Rescue on Ryloth" Episode Gallery
Spoiler alert! This story gallery contains plot details from "Rescue on Ryloth".
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On Ryloth, Admiral Rampart comes to visit the Syndullas in their cell. He demands to know the location of their daughter, but Cham and Eleni refuse to cooperate. "I have seen how you treat your allies," Eleni says. "I prefer to be your enemy."
Rampart speaks with Captain Howzer, demanding all of Cham's sympathizers found and arrested. Howzer gently protests, and Rampart doubles down, claiming that Syndulla's forces attacked their transport and shot Senator Taa. "I was there," Howzer says. "That blast didn't come from Cham or his fighters." This response does not please Rampart, and he informs Howzer that another squad will handle the search for Hera.
Meanwhile, Hera spies on Imperials and learns that Crosshair and the Elite Squad are looking for her. She tells Chopper they need to send a transmission.
The Bad Batch receive a message from Hera asking for help. Though Hunter isn't eager to return, Omega presses him and they head back to Ryloth.
Hera meets the Bad Batch upon landing and asks that they free her parents. "Let's see what we're up against first," Hunter says, not promising to help.
Rampart addresses the Ryloth people at the capitol, claiming Cham Syndulla and his followers were behind the assassination attempt. The Bad Batch watch from a distance and also learn that Crosshair is on the planet. But suddenly, Hunter hears something...
A probe droid. Though he destroys it, Hunter believes the Empire -- and Crosshair -- will know they're here.
The Bad Batch retreat to their ship. With increased Imperial chatter and security, Hunter thinks it's too dangerous to proceed with the mission. A dejected Hera storms off. "She's trying to save her family, Hunter," Omega says. "I'd do the same for you."
At the capitol, Howzer tells Rampart that if they continue rounding up peaceful citizens, they'll incite an uprising. This doesn't bother the Imperial.
Crosshair reports in to Rampart, noting that the Bad Batch are on Ryloth. Rampart cares not; he orders Crosshair to stay on task and find Hera.
Omega catches up with Hera, promising that Hunter will come around. She suggests that they come up with a plan and convince him.
Howzer visits the Syndullas in secret. He tells them he's trying to protect Hera, but the Syndullas have lost faith in their old friend. "We trusted you, Howzer," Cham says. "I won't make that mistake again."
Finally, Hera and Omega present their plan. They won't attack the capitol, but the instead the Imperial refinery, diverting reinforcements. There are five auto-cannons at the refinery, but Chopper can slip inside and disable them. Hunter agrees to go along with it.
Hera and Omega arrive at the refinery. Chopper makes his way to the terminal, but cannot access the cannons; clone troopers quickly spot him and take the droid away.
Omega decides they'll improvise and take the console offline with one of the Imperial shuttles. "You said you wanted to be a pilot, right?" Omega says to Hera.
After a less-than-graceful takeoff, Hera quickly gets a feel for the craft. Chopper seizes the opportunity to zap his clone escort, and Hera takes out the control center! Chopper then flies up into the shuttle's cargo bay, and Omega gives the all-clear to the Bad Batch.
Flying the Marauder, Tech and Wrecker blast the powerless cannons!
As alarms sound, an angry Rampart tells Howzer to stay and guard the capitol while he handles the attack. Meanwhile, Hunter and Echo free the Syndullas, Gobi Glie, and the others -- revealing that it was Hera who hired them.
As the Elite Squad readies to go to the refinery, Crosshair stops them. "That's not their target," he says. Howzer watches from the shadows.
Acting on Crosshair's instinct, a small battalion waits outside the capitol. Crosshair, meanwhile, sits perched at a high vantage point, sniper rifle in hand.
Hunter and Echo lead the prisoners to the blast doors, but Howzer stops them. "You're walking into a trap," he tells the group. The clone trooper says he's on their side.
The Syndullas, Gobi, and the others will leave on the senator's shuttle from a secret hangar above. Cham promises to return and continue the fight, but Howzer will not abandon his squad.
When the capitol's blast doors finally open, only Howzer emerges. He addresses his brothers. "We're now being ordered to target the very people we swore to protect, and I will not be a part of it any longer," he says, throwing down his weapon. "Who will stand with me?" One by one, the clones drop their blasters. Crosshair, however, orders them all arrested.
Suddenly, a shuttle escapes from high up in the capitol tower. Crosshair opens fire, but to no avail.
At the rendezvous Eleni offers payment to Hunter, but he declines. "Keep it," he says. "You'll need it. These occupations are happening on other planets besides Ryloth."
Hera and Omega say their goodbyes. "Thanks for believing in me," Hera tells her friend.
Back at the refinery, Rampart surveys the wreckage before Crosshair joins him. "It would seem I underestimated your four friends," he says, granting the sharp shooter permission to hunt down the Bad Batch.
"Rescue on Ryloth" Episode Gallery
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