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"Plan 99" Story Gallery | The Bad Batch
Spoiler alert! This story gallery contains plot details from this episode.
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Blaster fire rings out as a small group of stranded stormtroopers spot the intruders along the Raven's Peak rail line on Eriadu. Tech climbs to the terminal to reboot power while the rest of the Batchers provide cover.
In the war room, Governor Tarkin orders an underling to scramble a squad of V-wings and shoot down the Bad Batch's car. A few shots hit their mark before Tech restores power. But once online, he's left in the open, running toward his team amid cannon fire.
Just as his boots hit the first car, a well-placed shot dislodges it from the track. The weight of it causes the car carrying Clone Force 99 to begin pulling away from the track and leaves Tech hanging by his repelling cable.
Despite his fear of heights, Wrecker takes a few furtive steps to the back of the wreckage to encourage his teammate. "I'm climbing as fast as I can!" Tech says through labored breaths.
With each successful shot by the Empire, the precarious situation worsens. Now both cars are being ripped from the track! "You must sever the connection hinge," Tech hollers. "There is no time, Wrecker. Plan 99."
"Don't you do it, Tech!" Wrecker yells. With a heavy sigh, Tech pulls out his blaster. "When have we ever followed orders?" he asks, firing the shot that frees the back car and sends him plummeting in freefall along with it.
The remaining car pops back onto the track and Echo powers it up, hurtling toward the base. It's going too fast to stop and crashes! Omega is the first to awaken amid the wreckage, calling for her lost brother before she loses consciousness.
Sometime later, the remaining members of the Bad Batch recover on Ord Mantell with the help of Cid and AZI-3. "Why did Tech do that?” Omega asks. “He didn't let us save him." "He knew we were out of time," Hunter tells her. "Tech put the squad ahead of himself. He made a sacrifice, Omega, and we're not going to waste it."
Hunter and Wrecker have decided the family should retire to Pabu. But their plans are interrupted with the arrival of the Empire. At the spaceport, Echo is the first to know they're in trouble, but soon Wrecker and Hunter discover that Cid has sold them out. "I had to make the best of a bad situation," she offers.
Without warning, Imperial Commandos burst in! Hunter sends Omega into the mining tunnels to escape to the Marauder with AZI-3. But she can't leave them behind. "I've already lost Tech," she says. "I'm not going to lose them, too."
In Cid's cantina, Hunter emerges to find Hemlock with a squad of troopers and Wrecker already in binders. Hemlock tosses Tech's goggles at Hunter's feet. "If you don't lower the blaster now, you'll lose yet another," he says, as his soldiers point their weapons at Wrecker.
Hunter puts down his blaster and picks up Tech's broken gear before he's arrested. "Omega's not going anywhere with you," he says, still defiant.
Outside, Omega sends AZ to find Echo while she fires at Hemlock and the troopers. "If you come with me, your friends will live," Hemlock says. But their negotiation has been a distraction. An Imperial trooper sneaks up behind Omega, easily stunning her.
Echo arrives — having commandeered massive AT-AC walker, and opens fire on the Empire. In the chaos, Wrecker and Hunter free themselves, but Hemlock has what he came for; he and his remaining soldiers load the stunned child onto their shuttle.
Echo and AZ escape as another walker approaches, firing on their stolen vessel. Together, they rush to the shuttle landing platform but they're too late. Defeated, they make their escape on the Marauder.
"There was no way to track Hemlock's ship," Echo reports sadly. "He could have taken Omega anywhere." But Hunter is undeterred. "We are going to get her back. And we don't stop searching until we do."
Back on Wayland, Hemlock's shuttle arrives and Omega is reunited with Nala Se. Hemlock plans to use the Kaminoan's attachment to Omega to spur her work. What the Emperor wants is impossible, she protests. "If you refuse or fail, Omega will suffer the consequences," Hemlock promises.
Omega is led to a lab where countless clones lie strapped down to exam tables. As she looks around bewildered, one clone catches her eye. "Crosshair!" she whispers, rushing to his side. "What did you do to Crosshair?"
"I want to talk to Nala Se!" Omega demands when Doctor Emerie returns. She stills trusts the Kaminoan she once served in the labs of Tipoca City. "I don't know you."
But the doctor reveals the hard truth. "We're sisters, Omega."
"Plan 99" Story Gallery | The Bad Batch
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