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"Pabu" Trivia Gallery | The Bad Batch
Fun facts and trivia from this episode!
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Crowder tries to assassinate Phee with a poisonous creature called a kouhun. Kouhuns were introduced in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones in a failed attempt by Zam Wesell to kill Senator Amidala.
The opening scene where Phee tries to make a deal with Crowder for a precious artifact is heavily inspired by the opening sequence of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The Aurebesh signs outside the club reads "Club Lao Che," which pays back the Star Wars reference in Temple of Doom, where the club was called "Club Obi Wan."
Moonyos are named after Star Wars: The Bad Batch writer Amanda Rose Muñoz.
Many of the Pabu civilians' attire features wave-like shapes, showcasing their connection to the nearby ocean.
Lanse Crowder and Mister Eenta are both voiced by regular Star Wars voice performer Steve Blum, who is perhaps best known as Zeb from Star Wars Rebels.
"Pabu" Trivia Gallery | The Bad Batch
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