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Part IV Trivia Gallery | Obi-Wan Kenobi
Fun facts and trivia from this episode!
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Reva mentions evidence of a Hidden Path presence on Balnab, a planet first seen in “Nomad Droids,” an episode from Season 4 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
The tomb is a nod to the use of a Jedi corpse as a lure for survivors by the Inquisitors in Season 1 of Star Wars Rebels. The odd modes of dress seen among the bodies include non-Jedi Force-sensitives as well as those Jedi who were in hiding when they were defeated -- those in traditional Jedi garb were presumably killed during or closer to the events of Order 66. Among the bodies seen is the venerable Jedi instructor Tera Sinube from Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Pablo-Jill from the Jedi Council in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.
Tala’s surname of Durith is never said aloud in the series, but it does appear in the security monitor as she pressures her way into the inner chambers of the Fortress Inquisitorius.
As Tala tries to bluff her way past Reva, she claims that the Hidden Path is based on Florrum, in the Sertar sector. Florrum was memorably shown as Hondo Ohnaka’s base of operations during the last days of the Republic in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
The patrolling droids that Obi-Wan and Leia avoid in the corridors of the Fortress Inquisitorius are models of ID10 seeker droids, developed for Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars Battlefront II.
The T-47s used by Sully Stark and Wade Resellians are the same model of airspeeders later seen adapted for snow operations on Hoth in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Sully’s has a modified cabin that allows her to extract Obi-Wan, Tala and Leia from the Fortress Inquisitorius.
Part IV Trivia Gallery | Obi-Wan Kenobi
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