takes a peek into this spy's dossier, and gives you what you need to know about her latest mission.
If you're lucky enough to take a Starspeeder to Batuu via Disney's latest themed land, Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge -- now open at Disneyland® Resort and Walt Disney World® Resort -- keep your eyes peeled. You might run into a famous spy on the streets of Black Spire Outpost with her distinctive streaked hair and orange technical jacket. Her name? Vi Moradi. Vi is a long-time member of the Resistance, and she's responsible for keeping the spark of hope alive, undermining and fighting the First Order whenever she can. Here's what you need to know about this Resistance spy's adventures before her life on Batuu.
Compassionate, even when it's risky.
When Moradi escapes the First Order, she manages to manipulate and then save one of her captors in the process. She takes pity on Captain Cardinal (who she nicknames "Emergency Brake," and "Big Red Button," due to his distinctive red-colored armor), and takes him along with her instead of leaving him to die. She believes that Cardinal, also known as Archex, is a decent person deep down, in spite of his past as a fanatical First Order believer.
She's a survivor…
Vi's strength and incredible stamina let her get into and out of scrapes over and over throughout her adventures. She's survived capture and torture by the First Order and was tough enough to answer the call General Leia Organa put out to all her top spies after the Battle of Crait: survive, salvage, recruit, regroup, and ignite the spark. That's why she heads to Batuu with enough equipment to set up a Resistance base on the edge of Wild Space, where her biggest adventure yet begins.
…And sharp as a tack.
During her time on the Absolution, a First Order Star Destroyer, Vi is tortured by Cardinal for information about Captain Phasma's mysterious past. With her eidetic memory, she's able to fully recall what she learned from her recon mission to Parnassos, Phasma's homeworld, while keeping track of parts she may have embellished.
She likes to knit.
Who says that being a Resistance spy is all action and no relaxation? On her off-time, and especially when traveling through hyperspace, Vi has come to appreciate the simple pleasures of knitting garments with wool from all over the galaxy.
Resourceful and cunning.
Even when things go wrong on her mission to Batuu, Vi picks herself up and does the hard work: she takes stock of what she has left, goes to Black Spire Outpost, and starts networking. Though many Batuuans think that the concerns of larger galactic conflict won't impact them, Moradi has an uphill battle convincing them that sooner or later, the First Order will turn everything upside-down if nothing is done. Navigating the local politics of gangsters, merchants, and scavengers in Black Spire Outpost could make her latest mission the hardest yet…
Leia trusts her with the toughest mission.
Even before the Hosnian Cataclysm, Leia comes to rely on Vi for Resistance business of all kinds. Moradi's done so many missions for the General that she's taken on numerous codenames, among them Magpie and Starling. Even the First Order follows the exploits of the legendary Starling, especially once she proves herself a thorn in their sides.
Sources: Star Wars: Phasma by Delilah S. Dawson, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge: Black Spire by Delilah S. Dawson, Penguin Random House Books Synopsis, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge: Black Spire
Read more about Vi's adventures in Star Wars: Phasma, out now, and in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge - Black Spire, arriving August 27 and available for pre-order.
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is now open at Disneyland® Resort and Walt Disney World® Resort.
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