Spoiler warning: This article reveals surprise appearances in Rogue One. See the movie before reading this!
If you love Star Wars Rebels, you probably noticed a few grab-the-arm-of-the-person-next-to-you-and-point-excitedly-at-the-screen surprises in Rogue One. There was Chopper at the rebel base on Yavin 4. The Ghost flying with the rebel fleet. Calls for "General Syndulla" (yes, General!). And maybe a couple more. We've always known the characters of Star Wars Rebels share the same story and universe as those in the films, but now we really know. The connections between Rebels and Rogue One don't end there, however; Lucasfilm and Disney announced today that Saw Gerrera, the war-weary rebel, is coming to the animated series in January 2017 and will be voiced by Forest Whitaker. It's an exciting time to be a Rebels fan -- and a great time to jump on board -- so StarWars.com caught up with the Lucasfilm Story Group's Matt Martin (who had the privilege of operating Chopper on the rebel base set) to find out how all these connections came to be.