To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and the all-new episodes coming thanks to #CloneWarsSaved, we’re undertaking a full chronological rewatch of the five original seasons, The Lost Missions, and the theatrical release. We’d be honored if you would join us and share your thoughts on the award-winning series.
19: “Trespass” (Season One, Episode 15)
"Arrogance diminishes wisdom."
Anakin and Obi-Wan investigate the disappearance of a clone security force stationed on a remote outpost on the desolate ice world of Orto Plutonia, accompanied by Senator Riyo Chuchi and Chairman Chi Cho of the nearby moon of Pantora. When they discover the outpost was attacked by a tribe of fierce warrior natives known as the Talz, an attempt at peaceful negotiations ends in battle.
It doesn't take a droid fluent in over 6 million forms of communication to know that Chairman Cho does not come in peace. He exudes pomposity, with the swagger of someone far more arrogant than he is wise, a blustering fool who believes himself and his people to be far more important than the natives of Orto Plutonia.