Did you really think a trash compactor could stop Captain Phasma?
During today's just-finished publishing panel at Star Wars Celebration Orlando, Marvel announced a major new title: Star Wars: Captain Phasma, a 4-issue miniseries set after Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Launching in September from writer Kelly Thompson and artist Marco Checchetto, Captain Phasma will be part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi publishing program -- and we'll get to see her escape from the doomed Starkiller Base. Check out the awesome cover for issue #1 by Paul Renaud below.
StarWars.com caught up with the series' creators to get their thoughts on continuing and expanding Phasma's story.
Kelly Thompson: “It's exciting enough when someone lets you contribute to the Star Wars universe in any real way, but when they let you create the first ever Phasma story for comics? Well, that's about as good as it gets! Like most, I'm a huge fan of both Gwendoline Christie and Phasma. Christie is magnetic and Phasma has so much fascinating untapped potential...potential which I can't wait to help unlock for fans in our comic.”
“I've been a fan of Marco Checchetto's work for a long time. We actually almost got to work on something together once before and it didn't work out, so I'm really excited that everything came together this time. And his work on Star Wars: Shattered Empire was some truly exceptional comics, and I'm so excited about what he's bringing to Phasma.”
Marco Checchetto: “With this series, I’ve had the opportunity to work on each era of Star Wars. Obi-Wan and Anakin in the prequel era, Shattered Empire and The Screaming Citadel in the classic trilogy, and now in the new era of Star Wars. I’m thrilled to be working on new characters. I’m a huge fan of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and obviously can’t wait to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi. We have not seen much of Phasma, and I’m very excited to explore more of this character. Kelly is a great writer. I can’t wait to read her script and start work on the series!”
And we can't wait to read it. Welcome back, Captain.
Dan Brooks is Lucasfilm’s senior content writer and editor of the StarWars.com blog. He loves Star Wars, ELO, and the New York Rangers, Jets, and Yankees. Follow him on Twitter @dan_brooks where he rants about all these things.