The illustrious Jabba bids you welcome to the underworld.
Join the scoundrel Kay Vess in the first-ever open world Star Wars game, Star Wars Outlaws, where the Hutt and countless other kingpins and crime bosses are waiting to give you your next big job — or put a bounty on your head if you fail them.
Here are just a few Easter eggs and fun nods we’ve encountered in our first adventures with Kay, Nix, and ND-5.

Gonk fans, this one’s for you. While exploring Crimson Dawn territory on Toshara, you can spot a few gonks with an unexpected add-on: flower pots perched on top of their square heads. If you find these hard-to-locate power droids, get some target practice by shooting the dynamic objects. Just don’t aim too low.
There may be a rancor loose on Akiva! We know, never tell you the odds. But like C-3PO, we feel compelled to dutifully report that there is a 1 in 100 chance that a rancor will spawn in the Akiva compound biolab survey room instead of the usual predators found there.
Boba Fett? Where? Even bounty hunters need a break. After delivering Jabba the Hutt’s favorite new decoration — Han Solo frozen in carbonite, naturally — you may spot Fett relaxing in the dining room area of Jabba’s Palace.
Now it’s your turn. Grab your favorite jacket, holster your blaster, and make sure Nix is still hanging on the back of your speeder bike. You’re going to need his help if you hope to survive the underworld.
Star Wars Outlaws is available August 30 for PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5.