During this holiday season, eat your meals in style with these fancy felt napkin rings of your favorite Star Wars characters! These napkin rings are easy to make and fun to use for any meal worthy of Jabba the Hutt.
What You Need:
During this holiday season, eat your meals in style with these fancy felt napkin rings of your favorite Star Wars characters! These napkin rings are easy to make and fun to use for any meal worthy of Jabba the Hutt.
What You Need:
1. Cut rectangles 2 inches wide and 7 1/2 inches long from the felt. This will be the body of your napkin ring.
2. Cut out a slug-like shape from the dark green felt and the exact shape but smaller from the beige felt. Glue googly eyes and a thin line of black felt for the mouth on the beige felt piece, then glue that on the green piece. Now you have Jabba the Hutt!
3. For Yoda cut a circle and two small triangles from the light green felt for his face and ears. Glue on googly eyes, a small green felt square for a nose and a small red triangle for a mouth. Yay for Yoda!
4. Cut out felt squares, 1 1/2 inches wide and 2 1/2 inches long, in different colors. Glue your characters on different squares. Then glue each character square on the left end of your long felt rectangle strips.
5. Repeat step 4 with different characters if you want to make a whole set of napkin rings. We made Jabba the Hutt, Admiral Ackbar and Yoda. Use other shapes of felt and experiment with making other Star Wars characters like R2-D2, Princess Leia, Ahoska Tano, C-3PO, Anakin Skywalker, Plo Koon and more!
6. Glue a Velcro dot at the end of your rectangle strip. (Most Velcro dots are self-adhesive so you may not have to actually glue it to your felt.) This will fasten your napkin ring to the other end of the felt when you wrap it around a napkin!
7. Now wrap your ring around a napkin and secure it to the Velcro dot to make a ring. Place next to your silverware at your next celebration dinner. Time to eat in Star Wars style!
Be sure to discover more fun crafts in The Star Wars Craft Book.
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