There’s no fan event quite like Star Wars Celebration. Devoted solely to the galaxy far, far away and produced by Lucasfilm, it’s a way for fans to come together and let their love of the saga shine. With tons to do and see at Celebration, there’s no one reason to go; but if you’ve yet to make the journey, and with Star Wars Celebration Europe coming April 7-10 in London, here are five reasons you may want to take the plunge. (And if you can't join us this year, with the next Star Wars Celebration not taking place until 2025, you'll have plenty of time to work on your cosplay, refine your Wookiee roar, and sharpen your lightsaber skills.)

1. You can be in the room for all the new reveals, and see them before anyone else.
There are always surprises at Star Wars Celebration. New trailers, announcements, and more, and there’s nothing like being in the room with thousands of other fans to see and hear them for the first time. It’s an experience that can’t be replicated, and something you’ll never forget.

2. You can celebrate anything and everything Star Wars.
No matter what Star Wars storytelling you love — the movies, the series, the animation, books, comics, games, and beyond — you will find it at Celebration. There are panels for everything and booths aplenty representing all the ways we experience Star Wars today.

3. It’s all Star Wars fans.
Unlike other fan conventions, everyone ultimately goes to Star Wars Celebration for the same reason: they love Star Wars. As such, it’s a place to meet and be around other Star Wars fans from all over the world. There’s no other opportunity like it. It’s also family-friendly, with a whole area — the Star Wars Kids pavilion — dedicated to providing a fun, active space for younglings.

4. The guest list.
Star Wars Celebration is the one fan event to see Star Wars creators and stars from across generations. With in-depth panel discussions spanning the saga, from the classic films to upcoming storytelling, Celebration has hosted legends from yesteryear and today. Plus, many Star Wars greats will take photos and sign autographs through OfficialPix, giving you the chance to meet some of your favorite people who’ve brought Star Wars to life.

5. It’s for everyone.
Lucasfilm has a saying: “Star Wars is for everyone.” And the same is true of Celebration. We would be honored if you would join us.
Check out for more information. Star Wars Celebration Europe 2023 will be held April 7-10, 2023, at ExCeL London in England.