Dragon Con 2016, the 30th anniversary of the space-station-size pop culture gathering in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, drew 77,000 guests over its four-day wingspan. Judging by the sheer amount of cosplay based on that galaxy far, far away, a hefty percentage of Dragon Con attendees thank the maker for Star Wars.
StarWars.com hit the con’s front lines, spotting more franchise nods than you’d find at an amicable Jedi Council meeting. With action dropping at a quintet of host hotels and a sprawling convention center, figuring out a personal schedule proved challenging. For instance, while artist Robert Hendrickson was displaying his Star Wars prints in the Pop Artist Alley at the AmericasMart Atlanta, a gaggle of fans ages 12 and younger decorated cardboard boxes and competed in the Younglings’ Pod Race blocks over at the Marriott Marquis.
The sheer amount of Star Wars activity was too bountiful to attend in totality, much less process in our mental data banks. Behold a sampling of just a fraction.